Appreciation Prayer Message

60 Appreciation Prayer Messages for Financial Support

One of the important customs everyone ought to develop is a culture of gratitude. There is no greatness outside the culture of gratitude. Every grateful soul is a potentially great person. If anyone has done you one good or the other, it’s important to say thank you.

When someone does good to you, you may not be able to reciprocate through gift or cash but you can always reciprocate through an appreciation prayer message. This will go a long way in creating the right impression of you in their heart.

When you show people that you’re grateful and that you appreciate every bit of things they do, they will never hesitate in rendering you further services when the needs call for it.

As you make it a duty to send an appreciation prayer message to your benefactor either for financial assistance or other forms of help, you have not only thanked them but also have prayed for them. Kindly look through this prayer message to communicate your gratitude to your benefactors.

Appreciation Prayer Message to My Love

Lovers are great gifts and must be appreciated for every bit of good things they’ve done at one time or the other. There is no one as sacrificial as a lover.

Every lover deserves an appreciation prayer message from time to time. Do you have that person you will like to appreciate prayerfully? Kindly look through these messages.

1. Great lover of my heart, you are such a great support system I cannot do without. Thank you for always standing by me all time. May God bless you for your service of love to me.

2. The blessings of the Lord shall rest upon you without measure. You shall be greater than you’ve ever been. God bless you greatly.

3. You’ve been a great personality who has given my life a great shift in all ramifications. Thank you for being a great blessing to me.

4. I couldn’t have been blessed with a greater and better lover than you have been to me. Everything you’ve been doing for me has been valid proof that you’re a blessing indeed. May God’s blessings increase more and more in your life.

5. I wouldn’t consider myself lucky to have you but rather blessed. You’re an embodiment of divine blessings fully represented in human forms.

6. Your partnership with me has brought sweetness and joy to me. Thank you for being a helper of my joy. I want to say thank you and great God bless you greatly.

7. The day you walked into my life is the day limitless peace has walked in. May peace be your portion for the rest of your life. God bless you greatly for everything you did for me.

8. In an actual sense, I cannot appreciate you deep enough for your uncommon kindness and show of love when it’s needed the most. You shall be blessed indeed.

9. I want to say a big thank you for your constant assistance which I always get whenever I needed it. I appreciate you so much. You shall not lack help also whenever you have a need.

10. For being a great helping hand to me all the time, I want to sincerely register my love and gratitude to you for always being with me. The Lord will not let you down when you also need help.

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Appreciation Prayer Message To My Uncle

11. Dear sweetest uncle in the world, this is the time I want to let you know how much help you’ve been to me in every respect. You shall wax stronger and stronger, you shall not grow feeble.

12. I’m sincerely grateful for your level of commitment to my life over the years. You shall not also lack help in times of need. You shall grow in leaps and bounds.

13. You’ve been a faithful ally I cannot possibly do without. I recognize your highly pronounced kindness and love towards me. The blessings of God shall not cease in your life.

14. You’ve been very supportive and generous to me as though you were my biological father. My father couldn’t have done more than this. Your life also shall not be void of destiny helpers.

15. Sometimes, your level of selflessness and commitment to my life often amazed me. This is one thing I will never take for granted. I appreciate you, God bless you.

16. I cannot take your kindness for granted all because you’re my uncle. I do not cease to praise God for your kindness. Everything you shall turn to gold.

17. You’ve shown yourself to be a wonderful and super amazing personality. Thank you for being genuine and so true. The hand of God shall be upon you for great things, nothing shall die in your hand.

18. I cannot thank you deeply enough for all your efforts to ensure that my dreams become a possibility. Everything you touch shall equally turn to possibilities.

19. The journey of life has been so sweet and interesting all because you’re there with me. Your life shall not also lack sweetness. Amen.

20. Thank you for bringing ease and great comfort to my life at every strategic turn I have had. God bless you greatly and keep you steadfast. I love you, dear uncle.

Appreciation Prayer Message For My Boss

21. I must testify to the fact that my boss has been a great one since I have come under his leadership. I’m here to say thank you for everything you have been doing for me.

22. The level of encouragement and support I get from you cannot be gotten elsewhere. I appreciate you. You shall expand in all areas! God bless you greatly for being there for me.

23. I must let you know how of great help you’ve been to me since donkey years. You’ve been a vessel of blessings, the mercy of God shall not cease in your life also.

24. I consider it a great privilege and blessing working with you for 5 years now. You’re such a sweet and interesting person to be with. I appreciate you!

25. Your contribution to my life has been amazing and worthwhile. You’re such a huge blessing to me and everything around me. Your firm shall yet expand and draw multiple resources to you!

26. You’re surely the best boss in the world who deserves all the prayers. I pray that God of the heavens shall decorate your life with great blessing. I’m blessed to have you in my life. The Lord shall increase your capacity to be a blessing to more others.

27. You’re one of the greatest blessings I have gotten in my life. I appreciate you and I will always do. Thank you for being a blessing to me all the while. God bless you for me.

28. You’ve been great to me and many others. The world is glad that you’re here in this world and we’ll always appreciate God for a life well lived. God bless you, boss!

29. You’re such a boss with a beautiful face and soul. I love you so much ma, the blessings of God shall abound in your life.

30. I’m glad I worked under you, I have become better than I was. God bless you greatly for all you do in my life. I appreciate you very much, Sir.

Also read: prayers to have a good day at work

Appreciation Prayer Message For Financial Support

31. I remember your financial contribution to my life and I was amazed at how much you have contributed largely to my life. You’re an amazing personality. Your pocket shall not run dry.

32. It is commonly said that givers never lack. I can attest to the fact that you’re an addicted giver. You’ll never lack in Jesus’ name.

33. Your life has been an embodiment of blessings to me and many people around you. I appreciate you greatly, blessings of God shall continually flow within your life.

34. Your business shall expand abundantly, you shall not run day. The blessings of great God shall abound in your life. God bless you!

35. I appreciate your financial support towards my business when I was taking off. This is great support I couldn’t have gotten elsewhere except you.

36. I have been able to achieve a lot due to the financial contribution you have rendered to me in the past years. I’m grateful for your kindness.

37. The blessing of God shall never cease in your life and you shall be great in His hands. You shall be a joy to many generations.

38. You’ve been a helpful hand to me and my family. Helpers shall also locate you and give you a lift above your equals. God bless you for me.

39. I have been massively encouraged by your kind gesture towards my project. The project has been done and dusted. I appreciate you!

40. The goodness of the Lord shall overtake you and give you great peace on every side. God bless you for the financial support.

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Thank You Prayer Messages

41. For the piece of advice you’ve given and the indisputable counsel I have received from you, I’m grateful. The Lord Himself shall guide you continually.

42. From the depth of my heart, I want to appreciate your kind gesture to me. You shall be largely favored by the Lord Himself.

43. The Lord shall repay all your good works and commitment to me you shall prosper in all your ways in the name of Jesus.

44. As you have demonstrated unconditional love for me and my family, may you also enjoy unconditional blessings from the Lord.

45. I want to say a big thank you to you for the gifts and financial help you’ve rendered to me at this crucial time. May the Lord bless you.

46. I want to express my profound gratitude to every one of you for your love and timely support in my life. Thank you for everything you do for me.

47. I know I’m so blessed having all of you in my life, you have been a major blessing to me, God bless you every one.

48. I’m grateful for all that you did for me to make my life easy. Thank you always for the timely help. I really appreciate it.

49. You have been standing by me in my time of need, may all your needs also be met. Thank you and God bless you.

50. I pray that God blesses you and makes you great in all that you do. God bless you much for always being there for me. I love you!

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Prayer Of Appreciation To A Helper

51. You have been a great help to my life and the project around me, I’m very grateful for your services to me and the rest of humanity. Thank you so much.

52. I can categorically say that life is not possible without destiny helpers like you. You are a phenomenal person in my life and I cannot deny it. I appreciate your effort to be of help to me anytime I call for one.

53. Being of help is both a service to God and humanity. The Lord whom you have been serving in the life of people will also make your generation.

54. Your life has contributed massively to the race of humanity, your generation can never forget you. The Lord himself will bless you in returns in 100 folds.

55. I pray that your seed shall be great upon the earth, they will not also lack help at any stage of their lives.

56. The evident blessing of the Lord shall not depart from your household, everything around you shall reflect the glorious blessing of the Lord.

57. A water-containing pipe cannot be thirsty for water. As you have made it your responsibility to put a smile on people’s faces, laughter too shall not be found wanting in your house. God keep blessing you to be a blessing.

58. Everything it takes to keep being a blessing to humanity shall not be lost in your life. We shall gather together to rejoice with you. God bless you.

59. The number of your days, you shall fulfill upon the earth, nothing shall be able to cut your life short. Amen.

60. Very soon, the resources at your disposal shall be doubled and tripled. The generation to come shall call you blessed.

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