Everyday Prayer for Myself

90 Everyday Prayer for Myself with Powerful Morning Declarations

God is ever willing and eager to hear our prayers than we are eager to pray. If you can be committed to praying, God is ever committed to answering your prayers. Everyday prayer for myself ought to be what you are intentional about and what you do constantly. Knowing that prayer is the involvement of…

Blessing Prayer for Husband

66 Prayer Message for My Husband | Blessing Prayer for Husband Success and Breakthrough

No man can outgrow the need for prayers no matter how successful he is. God is ever interested in anyone who called upon His name. The Bible says, “ The name of the Lord is a strong tower, the righteous run unto it and they are saved”. This implies that salvation and safety are guaranteed…

Sending Prayers Message

115 Sending Prayers Messages and Wishes to Your Family, Friends, and Loved Ones

Gifts come in different fashions. You could gift your family members with shoes, bags, and other valuable items. While all these gifts are good, sending prayers messages to your loved ones is equally vital. Are you asking; can you text a prayer? how do you give a blessing message? You will find amazing ways you…

Positive Good Morning Blessings

70 Positive Good Morning Blessings, Prayers and Wishes for Friends and Loved Ones

It is commonly said that sorrow may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning. Nothing lightens up the morning of an individual like positive good morning blessings coming from either a close or distant person. The impact of a new dawn blessing cannot be described. It sets the compass for the day…

Encouraging Words for a Friend Going Through a Tough Time

101 Encouraging Words for a Friend Going Through a Tough Time

At some point or the other in our lives, everyone needs encouragement to survive a season and forge ahead in life. Finding yourself in a season of life when your strength is too feeble to keep you on the course is often unavoidable. All you will need to scale through such a season are encouraging…