Monday Morning Greetings and Blessings

50 Inspirational Monday Morning Greetings and Blessings for Friends and Loved Ones

Monday happens to be the beginning of the workdays of the week. It’s important to set the tone correctly to get the best the entire week has to offer. Filling your week with Monday morning greetings and blessings set the tone for the entire days of the week. It is normal to ask; how do you greet someone on a Monday morning? You won’t read for long to find out how!

Do we say happy Monday? Yes, very necessary! This is one of the ways you extend love to your friends and family! Do you know that how you begin a week determines what will be your outcome from each moment of it? Beginning your week correctly is something you don’t want to take for granted. Take advantage of Monday greetings and blessings to start your week correctly.

This should not only be limited to you but much more to every person around you. Begin each Monday with greetings and blessings for friends and loved ones. What are some good morning greetings? Here are powerful words of prayers, greetings, and blessings for Monday morning. You could make these greetings, wishes, blessings, and prayers personal or in extension to friends.

Inspirational Good Morning Monday Blessings

Blessings are what you need to get the maximum benefit from the activity of the day and your week entirely. When there is a touch of blessings on your Monday, the rest of the week cannot but produce blessings.

How do you wish someone a good Monday? I have helped you out already to put together morning blessings and wishes. Below are Monday morning greetings and blessings.

Related research: Bless your loved ones with prayer messages

1. Blessed morning to you, it’s another Monday again to get up and make your whole week great. Happy Monday morning to you.

2. Wishing my highly cherished person a happy Monday morning. The blessings and benefits of this day will not elude you. Greetings to you.

3. This is a special day designed to bring fortune and blessings your way. May you get every virtue the day has to offer you. Amen. Happy Monday morning, have a blessed day ahead!

4. It doesn’t have to be the weekend to have a beautiful morning, morning can offer the same thing. It’s another Monday, have it blessed.

5. Waking up to a new day is a precious gift from the Lord, be excited about it because this day will deliver its best to you. Good morning Monday!

6. A splendid and amazing Monday is all that I desire for you, may everything go smoothly for you today. Amen.

7. I wish that this Monday brings you streams of hope and joy to approach everything with enthusiasm and strength. I bring greetings and blessings to you from the heart of Love, Have a fabulous Monday!

8. The result of any day you start with joy is victory. As you start with joy, may you return with testimonies of victory by His mercy. Amen.

9. Mondays are the beginning of the workdays of the week, full of possibilities and new strengths. May you end this day better than you began it. Amen. Happy Monday morning!

10. May this Monday be one of the best you have ever had. Your mouth will be filled with laughter and unending joy. Amen.

Monday Prayer for the Week

Prayer is essential, nothing makes your activities for the week go smoothly like committing it to the hand of the Lord. Monday prayer for the week is highly essential to set the tone for the day very rightly.

Here are holy Monday prayers to set the tone of the day very correctly for you, your friends, and your family.

Related resource: wake up with the right thinking

11. Thanks must be given to God who has enabled your existence for this new day you have never been before. His name is praised forevermore in the firmament.

12. I decree that today will be fabulous for you, the light of God’s face will shine on your path. Amen.

13. I pronounce swift success upon all my endeavors this very day, there shall be nothing decelerating in my experiences today. Amen.

14. I will be assisted by the fingers of God to do excellently above my peers, I shall be the head not the tail in the name of the Lord. Amen.

15. The fingers of God will lift you and make you become a phenomenon to be reckoned with. Nothing will be to your disadvantage. Amen.

16. You’re blessed beyond your efforts this day, you’ll never be ashamed. The sun of prosperity and breakthrough shall smile on you. Amen.

17. Heavens will smile on you and make the earth favor you like never before. Everyone who sees you shall favor you. Happy Monday, I Love you!

18. You will not be found frustrated today, the Lord will make everything happens with ease for you. God’s name will be glorified in your life. Amen.

19. Before you call, answers will come rushing at you. Helps will come to you from far and near. This Monday will be a memorable one for you. Amen.

20. The goodness of this very day will find its way to you, you’ll not struggle before you find your way. God be with you, have a blessed Monday!

Monday Good Morning Blessings

Greet your Monday with good morning blessings Monday and see the amazing wonders the day will offer you. Make your experience for the rest of the day amazingly glorious with these words of prayers and blessings for Mondays.

Related resource: fill your day with blessings

21. Here comes another beautiful Monday highly expected by everyone. This is the day specially made for the furtherance of the project in your hands. Brace up, you’ll have success today without fail. Amen.

22. I’m persuaded that something marvelous, glorious, favorable, and exceptional is packaged for you, and they will visit you majestically today. Amen.

23. Today will be better than yesterday, this will be the start of new events in your life, work, business, and family. This day will be fantastic for you. Amen.

24. You’ll match forward one step closer to your dreams and heart cravings, and you’ll never experience stagnation of any sort in all your endeavors. Amen.

25. Happiness is the soul of business of the day, without happiness, there will be no energy to push hard after your dreams. May you find needed happiness today. Amen.

26. Good news that will induce happiness naturally will be pronounced in your territory. Amazing and glorious things will dance around your territories. Amen.

27. You’ll find yourself successful and excelling beyond every human limit and stumbling block set against you. Good morning, have a beautiful Monday!

28. You’ll be blessed and kept by the Lord, and you’ll be shielded from dangers. No evil shall be able to hunt your soul in the name of Jesus. Go in peace and be great exceedingly.

29. Everything dark in your path shall be lightened by the Lord. He will make a way for you where there seems to be no way. Good morning, have a blessed Monday!

30. No force will be able to stop your life from advancing, no matter the setback, you’ll advance. Progress in a forward and upward direction shall be your experience from this Monday morning onward. Amen.

Monday Morning Blessings Quotes

It’s very essential to fill your heart with things that make your heart merry and fill your belly with excitement. Being happy will help you to approach every issue correctly and get the best out of every situation.

Below are Monday morning blessings quotes just for your blessings this day.

31. This is another Monday, and a great opportunity has been freely given to you to re-strategize and make your life more colorful and beautiful. Expect everything to come out well for you today.

32. Do not lose focus, don’t go off track, and ensure you don’t get distracted. The Lord will grant you grace to see the dreams of your heart come to pass. Amen.

33. Stay courageous and energetic, you need both courage and strength to bring the dreams of your heart to pass. Blessings are all yours today. Amen.

34. May you be enthusiastic and be at your best no matter what life throws at you today, the grace of the Lord will abide with you greatly. Amen.

35. Every single minute of the day will be blessed, your going out and coming in shall turn out to be blessings. Your head is lifted wherever there is casting down. Amen.

36. The goodness and mercy of the Lord are what make the effort of a man rewardable. Without it, any effort shall be in vain. May you not be deficient in divine help today. Amen.

37. The very best thing that life has to offer shall get to me today. I shall not miss my portion, no matter what! My day shall be radiant and amazing. Amen.

38. May your energy be renewed, and may you be invigorated with might to do what you could not do before. Amen.

39. The Lord will take you to new levels of strength, glory, honor, blessings, favor, and sound health. Your head is highly lifted by the mercy of God. Amen.

40. This will be one of the best days I have ever had. There will be a massive break out of amazing wonders of God in my life and family. Amen.

Monday Morning Wishes for Friends

Friends are part and parcel of life, friends make life worth living. Having friends in your is very important. Shower your friends with these Monday morning messages for friends and get them ready for the task of the day.

Related resource: give a friend a special quote in the morning

41. Everything that is in touch with you this day is blessed, the fruit of your body is blessed. The works of your hand are blessed. You are highly favored by the Lord. Amen.

42. This is the actual day you have been waiting for because I’m sure it will bring you closer to your dreams and goals than you were yesterday. Blessings of the Lord are upon you and they will never depart. Amen.

43. As you wake up with happiness in your heart, may your happiness not know limitations. The situations of life will not puncture your joy in the name of the Living Lord. Amen.

44. I declare upon your Life that your endeavors receive the fullness of God’s unstoppable blessings. Every moment of the day is blessed. Amen.

45. Every day is not for you, but I can convincingly say that this day is for you. Be excited about it, this day will yield its maximum benefit for you. Amen.

46. Sing aloud and rejoice because the Lord has made this day beautiful for you before it begins at all. His name is worthy to be praised among all gods. Sing praises today and you’ll be massively blessed. Beautiful Monday to you, friend.

47. I receive grace to stay focused and mind my own business so that I do not get distracted by the doings and un-doings of others around me.

48. Failure shall be far away from you and success will run swiftly to cleave to me both today and in days to come. Amen. I love you, great friend!

49. As you match out today to go about your businesses, you’ll never miss your target today, and you’ll have all your dreams and goals come to pass. Amen.

50. May the Lord help you to keep your hope alive even when it seems all hope is gone. You’ll find the strength to match on in the face of adversity. Amen

This very Monday is already made bright and beautiful for you and your friends, I can’t doubt it in any way! Do you know why? I believe you have just showered yourself and your friend with greetings, wishes, prayers, and blessings. Beautiful you, if you have done that! Have an amazing day!

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