Winning attitude quotes

47 Self-Motivating Winning Attitude Quotes and Status

Winning attitude quotes give you the right mental attitude for great accomplishments in life. A winner’s attitude is the ability to consistently focus on long-term goals regardless of setbacks. This is more difficult than it seems. People take their eyes off their goals when they experience and hear things that break their focus. These winning…

How to lead Prayer in Church

27 Insightful Keys on How to Lead Prayer in Church for Every Member

Every citizen of Zion must subscribe to the custom of prayer. There is no alternative system to approaching God without maintaining the attitude of prayers. Our relationship with God and experience of Him is dependent on prayer. Talking to God ought to be done both privately and also publicly in church. This makes it very…

Overcoming your Fears

26 Strategic Steps to Overcoming your Fears Permanently with Strong Quotes and Scriptures

Life generally can be full of uncertainty. Human beings cannot see beyond their noses. The inability to see beyond our noses sometimes inspire fear in our heart. These fears are often sponsored through many questionnaires such as, how do I take hold of my future, how will I get my dreams actualized, how do I…

Winning Mentality Quotes

85 Inspirational Winning Mentality Quotes to Make You Successful

Your mentality determines your reality. What is not possible in your mind cannot be obtained by your hands. The battles you have not won in your mind cannot be won by your hands. The mind is the first place of victory. Winning mentality quotes will arm you with an indomitable mindset that cannot be defeated…

Intercessory Prayers for the World

100 Intercessory Prayers for the World-Praying for the World to Establish Serenity

The peace of our world is so paramount. How secure and peaceful will we be if our world is baptized with peace without upheavals? We need God’s intervention on the daily basis to scale through the challenges we’re faced with. We can only save ourselves from pandemonium through intercessory prayers for our world. When we…

Desperately Seeking God

18 Proven Ways of Desperately Seeking God with Undeniable Benefits

In the invisible realm, that’s where God lives. He’s veiled from His creation because of the magnificence of His glory. As magnificent and glorious He is, He wants to be known and be seen tangibly. He delights in revealing Himself to anyone who seeks Him desperately with their whole hearts. Desperately seeking God is the…