10 Powerful Relationship Prayers for Couples and Married People
Improve your relationship or your marriage by involving God using this collection of intimate powerful relationship prayers for couples and married people.
The bond being shared between two people deeply in love is probably one of the most beautiful things one might get to experience in this world.
If you’re wondering, what does heaven look like, a God-centered relationship can already get you a semblance of an answer here on earth. The synergy, the romance, the unified depth of purpose. It’s all enough to keep you floating on cloud nine.
However, it’s key to know that such good relationships do not just happen based on the simple act of two people loving each other. Blissful, purposeful marriages thrive on the foundation of honest, heartfelt, and consistent prayer.
It could just be the simple act of praying together with your partner or getting down on your knees to thank God for each other, or for a significant breakthrough. Make sure to never forget the importance of praying for your relationship.
To help you get started on solid ground, you can begin with any of the relationship prayers for couples put together in this article below.
• A Prayer for Couples
I’m grateful to You for my partner and this relationship.
We pray that You help us to communicate our hearts clearly to each other. Kindle a spirit of patience in us so that we may embrace each other’s differences and stay together in harmony.
Give us the hearts to love sacrificially and the grace to commit and stay faithful to one another.
As a couple, may we inspire each other to become better versions of ourselves with each passing day?
Enable us to keep our eyes on You and our feet rooted in Your Word.
We love you, precious Savior.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• A Prayer For Peace in Our Relationship
Dear Jesus,
My relationship is going through a very turbulent time. Arguments and misunderstandings seem to be daily occurrences. It’s like my partner and I have so much resentment against each other.
I ask, Lord, that you bring peace back into our marriage. Help us to resolve our differences amicably and remove every misunderstanding. Help us to be patient with each other. I pray that You teach us to love each other afresh. Fill us with Your spirit so that we may do the things that please You as a couple. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• Prayer for a Dating Couple
Father in heaven,
Thank you for the gift of my partner.
I am grateful for them, but I also need to know if they are the ones You have chosen for me.
I ask that You help me to get to know them better so that I can get clarity about spending the rest of my life with them.
I don’t know their hearts but you do, so I ask that You reveal it to me so that I can make the right choice.
I know You love me and want the best for me and it is on this assurance that I make this prayer.
I need your help to patiently wait for Your confirmation and not rush into anything. May we put Your values first. Give us the grace to control ourselves and keep ourselves pure in Jesus’ name. Amen.
• Prayer For A Broken Relationship
Lord Jesus,
My partner and I have had several clashes lately. We don’t seem to connect as we used to and everything just seems to be going downhill. Our entire union seems to be on the rocks, Lord and I desperately need Your intervention in this relationship.
Ignite our love and passion for each other again. Whatever plans and efforts of the enemy to divide us are laid to waste. Remove whatever tries to come between us. Mend our hearts and help us to heal from all our hurt so that we don’t inflict them on each other in turn again. Bring understanding into our lives and supply us with the wisdom we need to rebuild our relationship. In Jesus’ name, amen.
• Marriage Prayer For Couples
Mighty God,
We thank you for our marriage and the life we share with each other.
Thank You for our companionship, children, and all other blessings that our union has brought.
May we keep on cherishing the privilege of freely loving each other.
We ask that You strengthen our commitment and give us the grace to keep the vows we made before You to each other. With the help of Your Spirit, may we love others with the kind of love Your son Jesus lived out for us?
Cultivate the virtues of patience, sacrifice, respect, understanding, honesty, forgiveness, and kindness to each other in our hearts.
We ask that we continue to be a source of support and encouragement for the other person. Assist us in raising our children in Your ways that they also would live for You and with You.
Guide us through life’s toughest moments and teach us to rest in Your arms when we are weary. May our marriage be a continuous testimony to Your love and faithfulness. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• Prayer For A Relationship
Dearest Father,
I thank You because singlehood is a blessing, but I admit that sometimes I feel lonely. I too want to experience the joys that come with companionship.
So, Lord, I ask that You give me a relationship. But also grant me patience and insight to wait for a good one.
While I wait,I ask that You work on me and remove any unhealthy characters or traits in my life. Mold my heart to shower my partner and people around me with Your love. Heal me of my past so that I may welcome the future with open arms. Above all, I ask that even in my season of waiting, You alone would be the focus of my life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• Spouses’ Prayer For Each Other
I lift my spouse before you today.
Bless them Lord and keep them in all their ways. Bless the works of their hands and multiply its fruits. Give them the wisdom to stand out in excellence at their workplace and in all they do.
I ask for a heart of understanding and a forgiving spirit. May they grow in their faith and knowledge of You.
Give them the strength to triumph over whatever challenges come their way. In their struggles, uplift them.
Protect them from the evil one and all his tricks. May we live with each other in peace and harmony, modeling Christ to the world. Bless our family, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.
• Prayer To Draw Closer To God As A Couple
Thank You for this relationship. We ask that You help us grow closer to you, both as individuals and as a couple. It is only by placing You in the center of this relationship and building it on Your holy foundation that we will be able to stand strong against every challenge.
We need You in our lives and in our union.
Help us spend more time in prayer and studying the Word. Teach us not to be just hearers but doers of it. By Your Spirit, help us learn to be consistent. Fill our hearts with love for You, each other, and all our brothers and sisters in Christ. In our weaknesses, remind us to draw all the strength that we need from You.
Refine our lives so that we may be true and effective ambassadors of You and Your kingdom here on earth.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• Prayer for Love In Relationship
God Of Love,
Your Word tells us that it is by the way we love that others can truly know that we are Your followers.
We admit that we have not truly done this the way You have instructed us to. And have made many mistakes even in our relationship as a result.
So, Father, we ask You to teach us to love as You do.
Let our love be unshaken by the struggles we face. Let it grow with each rising and setting of the sun. Help us to be more selfless, speak only kind words, and extend hands of generosity to each other and to others.
Breed in us a love patient and kind, humble and long-suffering, forgiving and trusting.
In Jesus’ name, Amen.
• Relationship Prayer For Transformation and Growth
Almighty God,
It is a joy when Your will is done on earth as it is in heaven.
Today we ask that You transform us and this relationship in alignment with Your plans and purpose for them.
Help us grow in faith, shedding all the sins and weights that slow us down in our walk with You.
By Your Spirit, may we reach a place of total surrender to You and Your will at times and in all things. Prune our relationship and hearts of every worldly standard that we are unaware of.
Let this transformation help us be a blessing to other couples who are struggling in their relationship as well. Help us to submit to the entire process so that in the end all glory will be returned back to You.
In Jesus’ name, we believe and pray. Amen.
As a couple, it’s important to make praying together daily a priority. If you can’t do it in the mornings or at night, you can always pick a time that fits both of your schedules during the day.
A family that prays together, stays together. Always keep that in mind.
These relationship prayers for couples will not only help you build that daily habit of communing with God in unity, but they will also guide you in tackling life’s challenges together on your knees. There’s no better way to do it.