101 Romantic Apology Message to My Love for Hurting Him
No one has succeeded in reaching a level of total perfection, we all have our weaknesses. As a result, these weaknesses of ours will cause us to misbehave and hurt people around us, even someone we genuinely love. However, this doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t learn to manage our weaknesses and take responsibility for our mistakes by showing a sincere act of apology.
Sometimes as a woman, if you have done something that is not pleasing to your man, it might not be easy to find the right words to apologize to him, and you might ask yourself questions like,’ how can I write an apology message to my love for hurting him?’. Well not to worry, this article covers all you need for that.
I’m sure you are really ready to register a sincere apology to your man for hurting him, that is why you are here. Without further ado, check out this list of ‘apology message to my love for hurting him’ quotes and messages you can select from to effectively communicate your heart to your man and make him see how truly sorry you are.
1. I feel so bad for hurting you. My inadequacies have ruined a lot of things in this relationship. I’m so sorry for making you sad. Please forgive me, my Love.
2. I’m here to register my sincere apology. Please forgive me for all the harm I’ve caused you. I still love you, Dear.
3. I’m sorry for all the things I’ve done to cause you pain. It’s so painful seeing you walk away. I pray that find a way to forgive and that I find the path that leads us back together. Please forgive me, my Boyfriend.
4. Please forgive me. I know I have made mistakes and caused you pain. I’m so sorry my Love, remember no one is perfect, and neither am I.
5. I took you for granted, and I’m so sorry about that. Please forgive me, my man, and take me back.
6. I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you. You deserve far better treatment. I have realized my mistakes and I’ve come to say I’m sorry.
7. I apologize for hurting you, I promise this will not happen again. Please forgive me, my man. I love you so much.
8. Please forgive me, please give me one more chance to prove to you that I’m really sorry. I promise never to take your love for granted again.
9. I’m so sorry for acting so insensitive. I’m sorry for all of my terrible behavior. Please forgive me, my sweet husband. I love you.
10. I apologize for not keeping to my own side of the promises. It’s such awful behavior. Please forgive me, my man.
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- How To Apologize To A Man You Hurt
- How To Apologize For Hurting Someone You Love
- Emotional Sorry Letter For Boyfriend
- How To Apologize To A Man You Hurt Quotes
- Long Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Boyfriend Copy And Paste
- Romantic Way To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend
- How To Apologize To Your Boyfriend Without Saying Sorry
- How To Apologize To Your Boyfriend For Overreacting
- I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You
- Forgive Me If I Have Wronged You In Anyway
How To Apologize To A Man You Hurt

11. You are a gentleman to the core, and I’m so sorry for taking you for granted. Please forgive me, I’m sorry.
12. Honey, I take responsibility for my bad behavior. It shouldn’t be, and I’m so sorry. Please forgive me, my darling boyfriend.
13. Although I hurt you, I want you to know that I love you. I’m so sorry for causing you pain. Please forgive me.
14. Please forgive me, my Man. I will try my best to make up for all of the days I ruined. I’m so sorry.
15. Even if it takes me forever to wait for your forgiveness, I will surely wait. But I hope you will forgive me soon. I’m sorry, Darling.
16. Please forgive me. I’m sorry for my bad attitude and I won’t let it destroy our beautiful relationship.
17. I’m so sorry for being so insensitive both with my words and action, you deserve better. Please forgive me.
18. I hate myself for hurting you. I’m so sorry this happened and I promise it will never happen again.
19. I love you so much my man, and I always will. I feel bad for hurting you, I sincerely do. Please forgive me.
20. I love you more than you could ever imagine. Thought my action could have communicated the opposite. I’m so sorry dear husband.
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How To Apologize For Hurting Someone You Love
21. We are meant to be together, I’m sorry for letting my bad attitude come between us. Please forgive me.
22. I feel so ashamed of myself right now. I’m so sorry for hurting your feelings. Please forgive me.
23. I type this with a heavy heart and teary eyes. I feel so bad for hurting you. Please forgive me.
24. Please find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’ve not been acting responsibly, and I’m so sorry.
25. I can’t imagine myself hurting you. I love you so much, and I wish you will just give me the chance to show you how sorry I am.
26. All I just want to do is to tell you how sorry I am so sorry for hurting you. Please forgive me.
27. I know I do not deserve this, but I hope you will find a place in your heart to forgive me. I’m so sorry, Darling.
27. I apologize for hurting you. Please forgive me. I promise to make it up to you.
28. Ever since the day I broke your heart, I have never been able to forgive myself. Please give me another chance to show you how sorry I am.
29. I apologize for ruining the beautiful moment we spent together. You are such a wonderful person, and I’m sorry for not appreciating you. Please forgive me.
30. I know I am guilty of what has happened and I am sincerely sorry. Please let’s make things work out again. I love you.
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Emotional Sorry Letter For Boyfriend
31. I promise this will never happen again. Each day without you, my world feels gloomy. Please forgive me, my Love.
32. Ever since you’ve been away, everything around me has been boring. Your picture flashes in my head and I can’t concentrate. Please forgive me.
33. You do not deserve what has happened but understand that nobody is perfect. Please give me the chance to say I’m sincerely sorry.
34. I remember the moments we shared every day. I can’t imagine living my life without you, please forgive me.
35. I’m so sorry for my behavior. Although disputes are a necessary part of a relationship, it doesn’t mean that we should hurt each other this much. Please forgive me.
36. Darling, I can’t imagine my life without you, please accept my apology, and let’s make this work. Please forgive me.
37. You deserve the best of everything, including the best girlfriend. I am sorry if I have not met up with this standard. Please forgive me.
38. Darling, please forgive me. You are the only man I love, and it’s hurtful to see you leaving me to myself. Please come back to me. I love you.
39. I know I have hurt you so badly, and I’m so sorry. I can stand the pain of being separated from you. Please let’s work things out.
40. I’m so sorry for making you feel bad. It’s never your fault and I’m so sorry for letting this happen again. I will do all I can to clean up this mess.
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How To Apologize To A Man You Hurt Quotes
41. The thought of seeing you saddened by my actions makes me feel so awful. I’m so sorry for breaking your heart. Please forgive me.
42. I’m sorry for hurting you. I can’t find the right set of words to register my apology. All I want to know is that I’m sincerely sorry.
43. Please forgive my errors. I’m sorry for causing you. I am pleading from the depth of my heart for you to forgive me.
44. I’m so sorry I made you feel bad. I am not perfect, but I will try my best to be the best for you. Please give me the chance.
45. I still have this faint flicker of hope that you will forgive me. I know I do not deserve your love again, but I know you have a large heart. Please forgive me.
46. I’ve not been treating you rightly, I’ve acted badly towards you, I’m so sorry I make you feel unimportant in this relationship, I promise to make things right.
47. You are the best I could ever have. I’m so sorry for making you feel you are not good enough. Please accept my sincere apology. I love you.
48. I pushed you away with my awful character. I feel so ashamed of myself right now. Please give me the chance to make things right.
49. I’m sorry for causing you so much pain. I wish I could turn back the hands of time. You are the only one I want. Please forgive me.
50. Your love has filled my heart. I can’t believe I could hurt you this much. I feel so bad for my action, and I’m so sorry.
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Long Heart Touching Sorry Messages For Boyfriend Copy And Paste
51. What happened was just a mistake. It was never my intention to hurt you. I am still that same sweet babe you love. Please forgive me, I love you so much.
52. I really wish to make things up to you, but how will that happen if you do not give us the chance to come back together. Please give me the chance to show you how deeply sorry I am.
53. Everything around me now feels like a nightmare. I regret my action and I’m sorry for not taking you seriously. Please forgive me.
54. Though you’ve tried your best to make this work, I’ve always been the careless one in this relationship. Now it dawns on me that I can’t do without you please forgive me, my dearest boyfriend.
55. I do not deserve someone as wonderful as you are, but I will appreciate it if you can forgive me and give me the chance to smile again.
56. A man like you is so hard to find, calm, gentle, and, considerate. I mis-used the opportunity I had around you, and I deeply regret it. Please give me another chance.
57. I can’t imagine myself treating you this way. What came over me? Honey, I realized I treated you badly, and I sincerely want to apologize. Please forgive me.
58. The way I feel anytime I remember what I did to you is horrible. You never deserve such treatment. I’m so sorry, and I hope you will forgive me someday.
59. I miss you so much. I’m sorry I disappointed you and betrayed your love. Please forgive me, I promise not to let this happen again.
60. If you could give me just one more chance, I promise I will correct all my errors and make you a happy man again. Please forgive me for all the things I caused you.
Romantic Way To Say Sorry To Your Boyfriend
61. How do you want me to get another man as cute, loving, and wonderful as you? Honey, the last thing you want to do is to leave me. I’m sorry for what happened. Please forgive me.
62. I miss everything about you. The few days you were away even made me love you more. I promise to cherish and hold you tight if you could just give me another chance.
63. I had the best boyfriend in the world until you left me. Please come back to me, and let’s work things out together. We are no good without each other.
64. To think I didn’t regret my actions would be erroneous. I am deeply sorry for not appreciating you when we were together. Please forgive me.
65. I’m sorry I hurt you, I am sorry I caused you pain, I am sorry I made you sad. You deserve none of these, and I promise to make it up to you.
66. How could I have been so selfish? Despite your love and care, I never gave you the best of me. I feel so bad about this. I am so sorry. Please let’s make this work again.
67. You are the best definition of a perfect gentleman. But I didn’t see this until you left. Could you find a way to trace your steps back to me? I know I misbehaved.
68. I know you won’t find it easy to take me back as your girl. I know it will take time for you to trust me with your love. I understand, and I am ready to wait, even if it takes years.
69. I feel sorry for making you sad. I shouldn’t have acted that way. That shows how we can be imperfect as humans. I realized I’m wrong, and I hope you will just forgive me and forget.
70. I tried all I could to move on, but the harder I tried the more impossible it looks. Please forgive me, my man. I still love you.
How To Apologize To Your Boyfriend Without Saying Sorry
71. You have been trying all you can to show how much you care about this relationship, but I have been so insensitive. I hope I get the chance again because I still love you.
72. You mean so much to me, and I can’t afford to let go of you. I realized my mistakes and I’m ready to make it up if only I get the chance.
73. Life is beautiful, but it’s more beautiful when spent with you. I just realized this the few days you were away from me. I can’t wait to have you back in my life.
74. I admire everything about you, even the way you handled this crisis. I hope this will turn out to be in my favor someday.
75. It’s funny how we do not appreciate those who care so much about us. It dawned on me that I need you in every area of my life. Please come back soon.
76. The most interesting thing about our relationship is that we love each other, and we have never stayed away from each other for too long. I just hope the narrative hasn’t changed.
77. I’ve been a terrible girlfriend to you. I wish this never happens. Kindly give me the chance to correct my mistakes.
78. I don’t know if you can trust me one more time with your love. I admit I didn’t take care of it in my previous attempt, but I promise this time will be better.
79. My heart is still with you, even though we are away from each other physically, I hope we’ll get the chance to see again and connect as better lovers.
80. It has not been easy living without you, knowing that I caused the separation. I wish I could bring you back and love you the right way this time around.
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How To Apologize To Your Boyfriend For Overreacting
81. Okay, I know I overreacted, and I’m sincerely sorry. Please forgive me.
82. Honey, please understand that my reaction was out of love. I couldn’t stand losing you to anyone else. I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. I love you.
83. We were supposed to understand and forgive each other, I went too far with what I did. Here I am to say I’m sorry. Please forgive me.
84. You are the only one for me. I love you so much, and I didn’t intend to hurt you with my words, even if I went too far. Please forgive me.
85. Honey, you know how much I love and care about you, I did everything I did out of love. I know that was extreme, please forgive me.
86. Don’t see me as a bad person, it was never my intention to cause you pain. I’m so sorry if my message was wrongly passed. Please forgive me.
86. I promise this will never happen again. I’m sorry for going too far and calling you names. I feel so ashamed of myself right now. Please forgive me.
87. Darling, I didn’t know this will ever get out of hand. I’m so sorry if I made you feel embarrassed. I promise this will not repeat itself. I love you.
88. I shouldn’t have gone that far. I am so sorry. I love you, and I hope you will understand and forgive me.
89. I’m sorry I allowed my weakness to override me again. It was never my intention to make things get out of hand as such. Please forgive me.
90. My darling, I regret everything that happened. I know I humiliated you, and I feel so sorry. Please forgive me.
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I Am Sorry Quotes For Hurting You
91. You are the last person I would ever want to hurt. I cherish you so much. Please forgive me. I love you so much.
92. How do I explain that this happened by mistake? I am so sorry my love. Please forgive and forget.
93. I’m sorry I hurt you, I feel hurt myself. You deserve to be treated right and honored, I’m sorry I’ve been doing otherwise.
94. I thought about my actions today, and I covered my face in shame. How could I have been so self-centered? Please forgive me, my love, I promise to make you happy again.
95. I have hurt you several times in this relationship, and I feel like beating myself up. Please forgive me for being such a terrible girlfriend. I am sorry.
Forgive Me If I Have Wronged You In Anyway
96. It was never my intention to make you cry. Making you sad is like punishing myself. Please forgive me darling if I have wronged you in any way.
97. We all make mistakes, I guess this is one of mine. Please understand that any pain I might have caused you was never intentional. I love you so much.
98. I hope you know how much I love you, and how far I can go to make you happy. I’m sorry if I wronged you in any way. I care so much about you.
99. I love you so much darling, although my method of communicating my love for you might be wrong sometimes. Please forgive me and accept me with love.
100. I’m sorry if I’ve wronged you in any way, understand that I have the best of your interest at heart. Please forgive me. I love you, my darling boyfriend.
101. I will do anything to ensure that I bring things back to their normal state, I deeply apologized for this and I promised such will never repeat itself.
As stated earlier, the fact that we genuinely love someone doesn’t mean that we won’t offend them, but it is how we handle it that matters, do we show true remorsefulness and try to clean up the mess we made, or just apologize and let the cycle continue? Registering an apology when we hurt someone we love must come with pure sincerity and genuine assurance that the mistake will not repeat itself, this is what makes your apology hold water and acceptable.
I’m sure you found these apology messages helpful, feel free to pick any of these and send them to him and see him taking you back in his arms. Do well to drop your comment and share this post with someone you know might need it.