Wish for Marriage Blessing | 60 Marriage Good Wishes and Blessings
Marriage is a union between a man and a woman. Marriage happens at a stage where two parties who are in love have agreed to get married and take the bold step to tie the knot and spend the rest of their lives together. If you have anyone in your life who just got married or is about to get married, you can send a wish for marriage blessing to him/her.
A wedding is a special occasion celebrated by a couple with their loved ones. A wish for marriage blessing is what you can send to your friend, colleague, family, coworker, and any of your loved ones. It’s a way of celebrating your loved ones and also sending loads of love to them on their special day.
The content of what you send to a couple on their special day matters, you have to specially and gently select what to send to them. Sending them a wish for marriage blessing will be amazing and appreciated.
Right here, I have a different wish for marriage blessing that I have taken time to put together for you to share with your loved ones! Copy as many as possible to rejoice with them.
New Marriage Wishes
Getting married is one of the happiest moments in the life of a couple, sending new marriage wishes to a couple means a lot to them, it shows them how loved they are and how much you’re thinking about them.
1. Marriage is a step taken by two bold lovers. I’m happy you both took that bold step. Happy, married life to you both!
2. Wow! The days of video calls and late-night calls are now over! Hallelujah! You can now talk for as long as you want without any service provider interfering. Congratulations, Dear.
3. I was looking for someone to gist with only to discover that I can’t come over to your place. Trust you’re enjoying your new home. I wish you all the best.
4. Now is the time you will start knowing your husband, do take it easy with him and learn to understand him. Forgive generously and love without bound. Enjoy your marriage, Dearie!
5. One step down! More achievements, Dear. I wish you well in life. Have a sweet experience in your union.
6. I’m sure you’re having all the fun you’ve always dreamt of, have you tried having it in the kitchen, what about inside the car, on the staircase? My goodness! Inside the bathroom especially in the tub! Have fun, Dear, she is now yours. Explore!
7. Working with you is one of the things I’ve always enjoyed, knowing you, is a privilege. Thanks for those times you motivated me, the times you challenged me and for times you smiled at me and told me I can do it even when I looked down on myself, you’re indeed a rare gem. I’m going to miss you ma. Happy married life!
8. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtained favor in the sight of the Lord. I celebrate you on this special day of yours. May the favor you’ve received increase and bear more good things.
9. You’re a special Jewel, designed for the throne. I’m happy you finally found your Prince Charming. You can now take your rightful position beside your King. Happy married life Girlfriend!
10. I thought you were joking when you told me a lady stole your heart, I didn’t believe it until I set my eye on her. You made the right choice, Man! Happy married life once again.
11. Seeing you walk down the aisle today made me cry, the tears that flowed were surely tears of joy. I’m grateful to God for granting me the privilege of seeing you today. I love you, my Lovely Baby Girl.
12. Life is in phases. I’m happy you started this new phase of your life with God being the foundation and the pillar. Happy married life
13. This is my message to you “be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love” (Ephesians 4:2). Happy married life!
14. May the Lord grant you the grace to do everything in love as the bible commands. Happy married life!
15. I pray that the Lord grant you the grace not to love with words or tongue only but with actions and in truth. Best wishes, Dear.
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Marriage Wishes and Prayer

Marriage wishes and prayers are simple and lovely messages you can send to your loved ones and friends on their wedding day.
16. Marriage may not be without challenges that can always be overcome If you are intentional about it. I pray the Lord gives you the grace to understand each other at all seasons and fight to stay together.
17. I wish you a successful, peaceful, and prosperous marriage! You are in for a blessed experience!
18. May the love you have for each other grow every passing day; it shall not decrease. God bless your union!
19. Happiness, joy, peace, and love will dwell with you abundantly, and may the Holy Spirit be your instructor in this new journey you’re embarking on.
20. There is no fear in love, but perfect love cast out fear (1 john 4:18) May you operate on this dimension of love and harmony. Best wishes.
21. Your coming together is not just because of the love you shared but because God is involved in it. May the Lord bless and uphold your home. Happy married life.
22. Marriage is a thing of joy; may your marriage never lose it’s a wonder. Congrats!
23. I wish you all the best in your marriage. Stay blessed and be fruitful. Lots of love and happiness.
24. May the Lord fill your home with beautiful children, may your marriage be filled with joy everlasting and your family be a role model to other families. Congratulations!
25. I pray that you forever remember this day for joy, may the Lord perfect everything concerning your home and your family. Much love!
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Beautiful Marriage Wishes
26. The two of you are now one, I pray that you forever remain one till the end of time, what the Lord has joined together, nobody will be able to put asunder. I wish you a joyous married life!
27. May the Lord be your comforter in time of trouble, may he always answer you when you call, and may he never leave you or forsake you at any point of your journey. Lots of love and happiness, Dear.
28. Surely challenges will come, I believe Gold to direct you and help you when the need arises. Love you, Dear!
29. Happy married life, I wish you a life full of joy, peace, love, and good news. This is the beginning of a new thing for you.
30. May your marriage be a replica of heaven on earth. People will look at the wonders in your marriage and begin to desire marriage desperately. Best wishes to both of you!
Marriage Good Wishes and Blessings

God bless your marriage is a simple way of prophesying something great and beautiful to the couple’s life. It’s a way of blessing the new family. Make do with these prophetic words to send them a wish for marriage blessing.
31. Your marriage is made in heaven and is consummated right on earth. On this special day of yours, I wish you a fruitful and blessed married life
32. May the Lord bless your union and make you friends forever. Nothing will ever be strong enough to cause separation between you both. Happy married life
33. You didn’t make a mistake falling in love, you didn’t make a mistake saying yes to him. I’m sure your future is bright. Thanks for saying yes to God’s will, may He see you through this journey.
34. With happiness, love, and peace will God satisfy you. May you always have reasons to say thank you Abba father for getting married to the man of your dream!
35. May the Lord grant you both the grace to be faithful to one another even as you’re faithful to God. The purpose of your union shall be fulfilled. Amen.
36. May the Lord grant you the understanding to live in harmony with your husband and endow you with grace to be submissive to Him. Congratulations, Sister!
37. Being the head of the family is a lot of responsibility, I pray that the Lord endow you with strength and wisdom to manage your home, the heart to love your wife as Christ loved the church, and the grace to be submissive to the leading of the Holy Spirit even as you make decisions. Congratulations, Sir!
38. May the Lord bless your union with godly children and may you achieve more together. What was not possible by your hand alone shall be easily achieved together as a united force. Congrats!
39. One shall chase a thousand and two shall chase ten thousand. May the Lord always give you the strength to be strong and fight together each passing hour.
40. Family is an agenda of the Lord. May your family fulfill the main essence of its creation! Heaven shall rejoice exceedingly over your union.
41. May your spiritual eye be open, may your sensitivity never go down, may the level of your discernment increase that you both might fight the kingdom of hell and overcome it.
42. May your family be an example to the world and the next generation! Keep living an exemplary life for generations to come. Congratulations sir and ma!
43. Blessed is the day I met you, I couldn’t ask for a better husband, you are a complete match for me, you dot all my I’s and cross all my t’s. I love you and may God continue to bless our marriage.
44. The love they say, is the greatest of law, may your home be filled with love, and may the extension of it change the world. May God bless your marriage, Generals!
45. Seeing two love birds coming together in marriage is a lovely thing to behold, accomplishing things together will be the most beautiful thing to celebrate. May the Lord give you the grace and the wisdom to accomplish more. Happy married life dear!
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Wedding Wishes for Cousin
Cousins are one special gift given to us by God. So, if you have one or more, love them and celebrate them on a special occasion like this. Here are some lovely messages you can send to your cousin for the wedding celebration.
46. Seeing you walk down the aisle today reminds me of the days we do perform ‘daddy and mummy play under the tree’, you look so beautiful, Dear. Congratulations!
47. My handsome cousin is married, I won’t get time to disturb you like I used to, I know it’s for the best so I will stay calm. Happy married life, I wish you all the best in life!
48. Love is a sweet thing, I’m happy you’ve tasted it and you’ve also settled for it. May the love you share today never go cold. I’m happy for you, Dear. Congrats!
49. I still can’t believe I missed your wedding; you know it’s unintentional right, and you know I love you (smiles). I promise to check up on you when I’m in town. Congratulations, Sweet Lady, and please take care of that cute husband of yours. I love you!
50. A particular adage says ‘20 children can’t play together for 20 years’. It’s time for us to go our separate ways, I’ve always known that a day like this will come, but I never knew it will be this painful to depart. I’m grateful because the separation is for a good cause. Happy married life to the best cousin brother in the world! Enjoy your new life!
51. Dear Cousin, life is not a bed of roses, you’re going to face some challenges inevitably! Just learn to stay strong and learn to solve each problem in a peaceful way. Put this in mind, divorce is not an option, you’re there now and you’re there to stay! Stay happy, stay strong, and happy married life to you once again.
52. The Lord has answered your prayer by giving you a man of your dream, please, cherish him, obey him and love him for the rest of your life. God bless your home, Sweetheart.
53. Tough time never lasts, tough people do. I’m happy the day is finally here. I’m so happy for you dear Cousin. More achievements. Cheers!
54. I couldn’t have asked for a better cousin sister; you never gave me room to feel the absence of a big Sister. Thanks for those days you called, the outing time, the gist time. I’m going to miss you, big Sis. Happy married life!
55. Everybody clear road, my favorite cousin is getting married. Happy married life, Brother. I’m happy you finally found her. She is worth the waiting. Your new home is blessed!
56. May the Lord be your strength and your protector, may He bless your home with every good thing of life. Congratulations, Cousin!
57. My shy virgin cousin is married. I beg you, don’t be shy today. Allow that handsome husband of yours to take you to wonderland (smiles). You’ve waited for enough and deserve the best. Enjoy the adventure.
58. I’m happy you decided to stick with the awesome guy! He is such a good man and I wish you all the best in life. Congrats!
59. Today is all about you and your bliss, I’m happy to be part of this day. May you always remember this day for good. Congratulations.
60. Life is in phases, thank God for a beautiful phase you just completed. We trust God to see you through this new phase. I wish you happy marriage life, Dear!
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Wow! You have just read through a wish for marriage blessing! Don’t hesitate to celebrate your loved ones who are about to get married or already married.
You’ve got great content I must say.
Getting married is blissful and more important is to have friends and family send their wishes.
It shows you’re loved.
I love the one that notifies no more video call and night calls,it so common among intending couples…the messages are so real… nice work