Happy Marriage Life Wishes | 66 Perfect Couple Wishes for the Newlywed
Marriage is honorable, it’s a thing of joy to see two determined souls taking their love affairs into marriage. Everyone around them ought to celebrate and make their day very great and memorable. Happy marriage life wishes help you celebrate the new knot that is about to be tied.
Life is comprised of times and seasons, there is a season to be single and there is a season to be married. Singlehood is a season of planning and preparing while marriage is a place of experiencing what was prepared for. Everyone who has survived the single-hood stage deserves to be celebrated.
The excitement and the euphoria that come with a marriage ceremony are often uncontrollable. The couple always can’t wait for the dawn of that new morning when family and friends will gather together to rejoice and celebrate with them.
Wishing someone a happy married life can never be too much. Help share in their joy by sending them marriage wishes. Rejoice with those who are rejoicing and your season of rejoicing shall also show forth.
Wishing You Both A Happy Married Life
Here is the newest couple in town waiting for your congratulatory notes to add colors to their joyous celebration. In order not to deprive them of their expectations, I have structured together happy marriage life wishes to help you felicitate with them and share in their joy.
1. Wishing you a lifetime full of peace and joy. Your experience shall be wonder without numbers in this union. Marvelous things shall never cease in this journey. Amen.
2. I wish you a beautiful life as you journey towards another phase. You will not be frustrated in this great journey you are embarking on.
3. May the Lord be the pioneer of your family and occupy the driver seat of your home. Happy married life!
4. Congratulations on your marriage ceremony! May you experience love everlasting, peace unending, and joy unspeakable full of glory!
5. May you always have reasons to laugh and love. Nothing will interrupt your joy. Congrats, Dear!
6. I wish you a conjugal life full of romance, cuddling, and a lifetime of pleasure. May you find grace to bond together with ease. Cheers!
7. Your love story made me believe in love, I’m happy this day is a success. I can’t wait to have mine in no time. I wish you a happy married life!
8. It’s now official! One plus one is now equal to one. What an experience! Congratulations! God bless your home!
9. Your husband is a great reward for all you’ve done. May this new phase be better than the last phase. Happy married life, Dear.
10. May your union be a treat to the kingdom of hell and a profit to the kingdom of heaven. I love you. Happy married life!
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Happy Married Life Wishes Whatsapp Status
11. It’s a great honor to be a guest at your wedding, my joy is full seeing both of you tieing the knot today. I wish you all the best in your marital journey. Congrats!
12. May the happiness and joy you feel now stay with you for life, nothing will steal the joy of your glorious union. The Lord will make the path of your feet very glorious!
13. You two look good together, you make me jealous anytime I see you. May the love you share together be everlasting. Happy married life!
14. Wishing you two lovebirds a lifetime of joy as you make the decision to live your lives together in the holy bond of marriage. Best wishes to both of you!
15. I’m sending a lot of love from here to the most amazing couple in the universe. I love you!
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Happy Married Life Status
Two lovers are taking steps further to be together forever. It’s a thing of Joy that should make everyone around them rejoice with them in the best possible way. Celebrate with the newest couple in town with these wishes
16. Now Mr. &Mrs.! I have waited for this great day and now it’s a reality. Glory to God who has made this a possibility. Congratulations to you!
17. Love is found where it’s less expected, I’m happy you’ve found love. May the wine of your love stay fresh forever. Amen. Happy married life!
18. To the newest couple in town, I say congratulations to you. The voice of joy will not cease in your home. Cheers to a brighter future!
19. Wedding day is a day of celebration, I pray you always remember this day for good. Happy married life.
20. Now that you’re set for a lifetime adventure I know that you are prepared for it. Enjoy it to the fullest. Congrats!
21. Congratulations on your wedding day. This is the beginning of a lifetime of bliss and pleasure. Things will only get better with you. Your new home is blessed.
22. What an inspiring and wonderful wedding, I need to start planning mine (Smiles) Congrats Mr. & Mrs.
23. Beauty is in the wife of a beholder. You found your beauty and you’ve possessed her. happy married life!
24. He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor in the sight of God. Congratulations as you get established in the favor and the blessing of the Lord.
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Marriage Wishes SMS
SMS is often the best and the quickest way to communicate your wishes to your friends and loved ones who are just newly getting married. Make their wedding ceremony worthwhile with these messages and I tell you they will appreciate your kind gestures.
25. To the newest couple in town, I want to say congratulations to you both. What a great day it has been, watching both of you taking your marital vow with so much pleasure and enthusiasm. Your union is blessed!
26. I hope we can rest now that you’ve found your better half. Smiles! You have always told me you can’t wait and now it has happened with ease. Congratulations, Dear!
27. What a wonderful couple, such a nice combination! Happy married life to you both! Your togetherness is blessed already. I call both of you blessed and so will you be till the end of time!
28. Two souls met, they fell in love and they are knotting the tie today! What a beautiful sight to behold! I’m happy for you both. I celebrate you and it’s my prayer that this celebration will not cease!
29. This is the day the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad in it. May the joy of God never depart from your household. Cheers!
30. New level, new status. My friend is now Mrs. _______. God bless your home, and give you a wonderful experience all the way, Dearie!
31. I’m so overwhelmed right now; she finally tied the knot. May your home be filled with joy everlasting and pleasure unspeakable. Loads of love.
Perfect Couple Wishes

Here are the best marriage wishes you can send to a perfect couple like the one you’re about to celebrate!
32. May the Lord make your family a blessing and your descendant a problem solver to the generations to come. Congratulations to you!
33. A big congratulations to my dearest couple, may the Lord journey with you and be your strength in this boat of life you’ve both decided to enter. Loads of love!
34. Happiness, joy, peace, money, influence, and blessed children will not be hard to come by in this journey of life. Happy married life, Dearest.
35. You are a definition of a couple made from heaven designed to give expression to the wonders of God upon the earth. I’m happy for you. Congrats!
36. There is nothing more fascinating than finding someone to be with for the rest of one’s life. Now that you have found one, may the blessing of the Lord be on you both!
37. This is the beginning of good things and greater achievement. Keep enjoying God’s blessings. Cheers!
38. They say, ‘true love is hard to find’, but I say, ‘true love is difficult to discern. I celebrate God’s grace in your life Sir and Ma! Happy married life!
39. I wish you and your soul mate a blissful marriage and a wonderful union! Everything is working in your favor.
40. A wife is a blessing from the Lord. May she continue to be a blessing to you, your family, and the world at large. Amen.
41. May the Lord grant you the grace to keep your vows, may your love wax stronger day by day, and may you subdue the earth with your children. I wish you a happy married life!
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Marriage Wishes In English
42. Wishing you a glorious and wonderful marital experience ahead. May you have a heavenly experience in your beautiful union. You will advance from glory to glory. Amen. Congratulations to an amazing couple!
43. Money, family, children, and any other thing in life will not separate you from each other. What has been joined together by the Lord will not be separated by any external force. Have a wonderful life together!
44. May your marriage be a blessing as you are, and may it bring refreshing upon your community and your world at large. Amen. Best wishes, Dear.
45. I just witnessed a General’s wedding ceremony today and it’s a pleasant sight to behold. Keep basking in God’s glory and splendor. The Lord is with you, you’re loved.
46. Above all things, I wish you love everlasting. May you experience the Love of the Father, which is the most amazing type of love. Congrats. Wish u happy married life!
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Best Wishes for Marriage Life
What else can you wish a couple on their wedding day if not the best wish for marriage life? Scroll down and see what I have for you to celebrate them.
47. What else can I wish you on this special day? You’ve been a source of blessing to people around you and I pray that you will never lose your relevance. You will grow from strength to strength and enjoy favor with God and men.
48. Love is a beautiful thing; may this love bring about happiness and joy everlasting to your immediate home and your extended family.
49. I wish you success in all you do. Prosperity and peace of mind will be your companion in this blissful journey. Amen.
50. A wedding is for a day, and marriage is for a lifetime. I wish you loads of happiness and fulfillment in your marriage.
51. May children surround your table and grandchildren fill your garden. Conjugal bliss.
52. Attending your marriage reminds me of the marriage of the lamb. May you not miss the last marriage, may you make heaven with your family. Much love to you with kisses.
53. Goodness and mercy shall follow you all the days of your life, you will never know a better yesterday. Amen. Happy married life.
54. Proverb 31:30 says, “Charm is deceptive, beauty is fleeting, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised”. Congratulations on your successful pick. You have found the best!
55. May your children arise and call you blessed, may your generation stand and celebrate you. I wish you a very happy married life!
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Newly Wed Message
56. I want to be the first person to say congratulations to you for this glorious home that has just been newly founded on earth. What a joy in the heavens right away! I join the angels of heaven to rejoice with you. God establishes you together. Amen.
57. The vow of your glorious union has been made today, Glory to God. “It’s better not to vow than to make a vow and not fulfill it”. May the Lord give you the grace to be truthful to each other.
58. May the work of your hands prosper as a result of this union, and may all you do increase exponentially. I wish you a prosperous married life.
59. The Lord that has brought you this far will surely see you till the end. Don’t be afraid, everything has been settled. Conjugal bliss.
60. You will be a father and mother to generations. Your fruit shall possess the gates of their enemies. Amen. Much love!
61. May your future be better than your past. Your path will shine brighter and brighter until the perfect day. More celebrations to come!
62. May the Lord answer you anytime you call, may you be a representative of God on earth. May God bless you both with happiness. Happy married life!
63. Your chambers shall be filled with stupendous riches, uncommon harmony, and pleasure. Nothing will cause sorrow in your sweet home.
64. Everything about your union shall be to the advantage of you both. You shall be marvelously helped by the hands of the Lord Himself. Amen.
65. What a beautiful day, what a joy all over town seeing both of you getting married today. I’m so excited about this. This joy will last forever.
66. The Lord will fill your mouth with wonderful testimonies that will make others desire their marriage so fast.
67. Your head is anointed with God’s favor that will make your marriage like a watered garden bearing fruits all the day of your life. So shall it be! Amen.
It’s good that you have celebrated the newest couple in town. You shall also be celebrated in the same manner. Copy these congratulatory messages and send them across to everyone who is making a lifetime decision maritally.
You are highly welcome! Thanks for reading!