55 Positive New Beginning Quote About Move Forward and Never Look Back
The idea of a new beginning could be exciting, however, it could be sometimes scary as we do not know what the journey ahead holds for us. Hence, we need a positive mindset to get on the journey, and lots of encouragement and motivation to keep us going.
As change is the only constant thing in life, we can not but experience new beginnings in different areas of our lives as we grow through different phases of life and we need motivation like a positive new beginning quote about moving forward to help us on the journey.
Are you looking for the right motivation or a positive new beginning quote about moving forward on starting a new journey? This article covers the most inspiring set of positive new beginning quotes and messages to help you with the right motivation and wisdom you need to get started and stay focused on the journey. Read on, and feel free to select any of these quotes to inspire yourself or your loved ones.
Positive New Beginning Quotes
Here is a new beginning quote about move forward to fire you up for the next phase of life!
1. You don’t have the whole staircase, just take the first step of faith forward. And you’ll be fine in the end.
2. Stay positive, each day is a new beginning, so make each day memorable as no one can take the memories from you.
3. Every new beginning comes from the end of an event once tagged a new beginning. There is nothing impossible for a man who can keep going forward.
4. Although going back and making a brand new start is impossible, we can start a new beginning from now and make a brand new ending we would love.
5. We all have the power to become who we want to be. All we need I’d the courage to start the journey, even if it means going back and starting all over.
6. Sometimes, what we see as a painful ending is actually a pointer to a beautiful new beginning.
7. When you fail, never see it as the end. It is just the opportunity to begin again more intelligently.
8. Learn to let go and start over. It’s a beautiful thing. And it might be the best gift to give yourself.
9. Sometimes, holding on is not a sign of strength but letting go and starting a new beginning.
10. The work might be hard, but the hardest part of the work is getting started. If you can get started, you can get the job done!
11. You need to start a new life, The life you have been living in the past doesn’t have the only one you ever lived.
12. To lay hold of tangible things in life, you must be ready to let go of your past wins. You can not discover new oceans until you take the bold step and lose sight of the shore.
13. Whatever it takes, never stop moving; into a new life, into a new dimension. You’ve got the chance to start now.
14. Starting a new journey could be scary, but it is also an opportunity for you to do things differently, and have new experiences.
15. The moment you discover that you deserve something better, the best thing you can do for yourself is to let go of your dark past, and push for the brighter future you deserve.
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New Beginning Message
Below are new beginning messages to start a new stage of life.
16. As you are starting a new beginning, always remember that failure is not the end of life, nor success. But the courage to continue that which you have stated is what really counts.
17. Those obstacles you met in the past might become the pointers to a brighter future ahead, but you need the courage to let go and start a new beginning.
18. Welcome to a new life. It’s time to forget the baggage of the past and say yes to a beautiful new beginning.
19. You’ve got to start the day with a positive mindset, and never focus on past disappointments. A new day is a blessing to begin again.
20. As you start a new beginning, may the Lord give you the courage to start and bless you with the strength to keep moving. I wish you the best of luck.
21. No matter how difficult it has been in the past, you’ve got the chance to begin again. I hope you get all the motivation you need to start.
22. The beautiful thing about life is that you don’t always win. What makes you a champion is that you keep playing until you get it right.
23. Stay hopeful, be determined to begin a new life where you will let go of struggle, and start a new journey with joy.
24. Welcome to a new beginning, stay positive, and free your mind. Stay away from what might have been, and focus on what can be.
25. I wish you a new beginning full of love, peace, and joy. Welcome to a new life. Embrace it, and live the best of it.
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Journey New Beginning Quotes
26. The first step to reaching your destination is the decision not to stay where you are, and to begin a new journey.
27. Just start, you don’t have to wait till all the conditions are perfect. When you begin the journey, things will fall into place, and perfection will set in.
28. Let go of your past, begin a new journey, see hope in the future, and be ready to make the most of it. I wish you all the best, Dear.
29. When you hold on to the past, you can’t see hope in the future. Holding on is believing that there is only a past while letting go means you believe that there is a future.
30. Never let your present condition stop you from beginning a new journey, they do not determine your destination, they just describe where you started from.
31. The journey is not about finding yourself. It is about creating the version of yourself you would live to see.
32. Starting that new journey could sometimes be painful, and sometime it could be exciting. But most of the time it comes with a mixture of both pain and excitement, with a sense of fulfillment.
33. Sometimes, the journey into a new beginning could be dreadful. But we must summon the courage to start and keep moving against all odds.
34. As you start this new journey, resist all fears and focus on the goal. I wish you all the best.
35. Disappointment is not the end of life, remember that if a door closes, what was behind it was probably not meant for you. So turn around, and start again.
New Beginning Quotes For Students
36. Sometimes, we can only start a new beginning when we are open enough to allow the wind of change to carry us.
37. It’s a beautiful new beginning. I wish you a smooth journey full of success and all victory. Enjoy yourself, great student.
38. See the journey into a new beginning as a new day; all fresh, beautiful, with no mistakes in it yet.
39. Welcome to a new beginning, stay positive, and always remember that the struggles you endure today will be the ‘good old days’ we will laugh at tomorrow.
40. It’s a fresh new beginning, and I hope you are ready for the beautiful journey ahead. I wish you a hitch-free journey and an exciting experience.
41. The struggles you face in life will either make or mar you. Learn to bring the best out of every situation, and never forget to stay positive on your journey. I wish you good luck.
42. As you begin a new journey, may the Lord see you through and grant you favor. I wish you the best of luck, Dear.
43. You haven’t come this far to be a loser. As you begin a new academic journey, I wish you sound health to scale through, and a sound mind to come out with flying colors.
44. As you are graduating and starting a new life. I pray that the Lord shows you make and grant you favor. I wish you the best as you go into the world. Congratulations!
45. It’s a beautiful new journey, Dear. Always remember that there is a beautiful life waiting for you out there. Be ready to let go of the life you planned, and be willing to shed the old skin to enjoy the new one.
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New Beginnings Quotes Short
46. Starting a new beginning is not always interesting, sometime it could be scary, and sometimes it could be confusing. But in all, we must be decisive and summons the courage to start anyways.
47. You can be anything you want with a new beginning. A new people, a new place, a new place, all fresh and new. You’ve got the chance, and the choice is all yours.
48. Just after you end a journey is a new one. A fresh new journey, full of new fun and adventure.
49. A fresh start gives you the opportunity to correct the mistake you made in the last fresh start you had.
50. Every blessed day is a fresh start, every sunrise is a fresh chapter in your life waiting to be written. Free your mind, enjoy the moment, and make the best of it.
51. While you are starting a new journey, never go through the same path that failed you on your previous journey.
52. You all have the opportunity to start over and over again. Giving up is not an option, if the old way failed, look for a better way to get it done, and start afresh.
53. If you truly desire a change, you must focus your energy on building what works and stop fighting what doesn’t work.
54. As long as you are breathing, anything is possible. You are never too old to start a new journey or pursue a new dream.
55. When you see a sunrise, it’s God’s way of telling you there’s a chance to begin again. So you’ve got the chance to always start a new beginning every blessed day.
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The idea of starting all over from a failed experience or beginning a new journey could be intimidating.
We hope these positive new beginning quotes have given you the courage to start the journey into endless possibilities and set your life in the direction you desired.
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