101 Encouraging Words for a Friend Going Through a Tough Time
At some point or the other in our lives, everyone needs encouragement to survive a season and forge ahead in life. Finding yourself in a season of life when your strength is too feeble to keep you on the course is often unavoidable. All you will need to scale through such a season are encouraging words for a friend going through a tough time.
Having the right words of encouragement for a friend going through a tough time will inject them with living hope and courage to keep attempting the possible and fill them with confidence for winning their fights. Looking into the eyes of a friend and telling him/her that victory is ascertained regardless of what he/she might be going through could be their last currency for winning. Therefore, you should not desist from giving encouraging words to a friend going through a tough time.
Words are powerful, they control our emotions. “Pleasant words are as a honeycomb, sweet to the mind and healing to the body” (Proverbs 16:24). Negative words activate negative emotions and release negative energy while positive words activate positive emotions and release positive energy. When you find yourself around a friend going through a tough time, choose your words very carefully.
Some situations are not as bad as words paint them. Speaking the right words in a negative situation can the process of bearing it less painful. Encouraging Words for a friend going through a tough time are needed to give them the required aid they need from you. Are you in search of encouraging words for friends passing through challenges or difficult moments? Here are good numbers of them on this page. Copy them for free and send them across right away
Wondering what encouraging messages you could dish out to someone? Find out examples of messages to help uplift the spirit of your listener, and help them stay motivated.
Encouraging Words for a Friend with Sick Parent
Watching a beloved parent fall sick is not an exciting experience. Sometimes, it will appear like you are the one who is sick in the real sense. If you have a friend whose parent is bedridden, your supporting words will mean a whole lot to him/her. Encouraging Words for a friend with a sick parent is how you are identified with the challenges he/she is faced with.
Through encouraging words for a friend going through a tough time, you can also extend your care to a friend with a sick parent. Here on this page, we have carefully compiled 25 encouraging words for a friend with a sick parent, highly useful for their season.
1. How is everything going, if you don’t mind me asking? I have been praying for your family. Let me know if I can help you in any way. Trust me to give you full attention when needed.
2. If you need me to pick things up and bring them to the hospital for you while you’re visiting, I can. You can feel free to say no, but my offer stands.
3. I’ve been thinking about how you and your family are doing. I hope you would not mind if I brought over some dinner or baked items for you? I hope you accept my request.
4. Let me know if you need someone to talk to. I’m always here to listen. I know how hard it can be to see a loved one in this situation.
5. I’ll be supporting you in my prayers trusting the Lord to take of every situation. Please don’t hesitate to ask if you need anything at all from me.
6. Big or small, I’d really like to give my support. I heard you have a family member in the hospital. I’m just a phone call away if you ever need anything from my end.
7. Would you mind if I visited for some time? I just wanted to say my thoughts, my prayers are with you and your family. You will come out strong by God’s mercy.
8. I can imagine what and how you will be feeling right now. Let me know if I can help at all. I’m right down the street if you need me, keep in touch.
9. I will be thinking of you so will the rest of the family do. we’ve been praying for you incessantly that you will come out strong in this situation.
10. Your family is so strong, that you will get through this. This will not break, I’m persuaded. You are coming out alive and stronger from this situation.
11. I can’t imagine what will be your feelings like going to the hospital every day and taking care of your beloved parents. I know it must be hard for you but anyway, this shows how responsible you are.
12. This situation must be tough on you, but you have to keep reminding your parent that everything will be okay and they will live longer in the soundness of bones and spirit.
14. I do hope that your brother/sister gets better in the nick of time. You’ll feel much better after everything. Stay positive, you are bigger than these challenges!
15. My prayers are with you and your family in this trying time. I pray that you get through this and that you will recover speedily from the effect of this season on you.
16. Don’t worry about anything, I’m praying for you. Your mum will be back to her vibrant self with smiles all over her face. I strongly believe it’ll happen in no time.
17. It was so hostile to the mind that you and your family have been in the hospital for several days now. I may not be there with you, but my support and love are right there with you. Keep standing strong; you’ll get through this
18. I don’t know what it is like being in your shoes, and I can’t imagine the kind of thoughts running through your mind. But one thing I want you to know is that I’m here for you in every possible way. Feel free to reach out to me any day
19. We’ve gone through so many challenges together, and this is no special from the previous and it won’t break us. I’m certain we’ll get through this too. Hang in there, friend, we’re winning together!
20. While we all wait for your mum to get better, your family should never lose sight of hope and courage to stand strong. Remember that everything will get better, but we have to be patient for that day to come. No room for depression, stand strong.
Encouraging Words for a Friend Feeling Overwhelmed

When you come to the stage where you have the feeling that things bigger than you can handle are coming your way, and you’re seeking an escape route, then you’re said to be overwhelmed. Truly situations can be overwhelming, all hope can seem gone. During such a time, you need supporting words to keep yourself together.
To avoid feeling overwhelmed with situations, all you have to do is make sure the situation is smaller in your mind, and not make the problem look more bogus than what your mind can capture. Have the right disposition of the mind towards everything coming your way. If you have a friend feeling overwhelmed or you are feeling overwhelmed yourself, make do with the lists of words on this page.
21. You cannot do everything, attempt to do your best and let the rest take care of itself. Stretching yourself too much makes you feel overwhelmed.
22. You have the power to control everything in your life including your feelings and your thoughts. You are the driver in this life. No one else. Sieve/filter what you think and focus on the positive.
23. Learn how to accept yourself even when you disappoint yourself; accept your flaws and all. As long as you are moving forward, then be happy.
24. Do not bring the past into the present. Start a new day from where you are and make a happy and great ending.
25. So many people live in a palace of pain that they ought to demolish. Do not bottle up your pains, discharge them as they unfold.
26. Keep pushing yourself no matter how tough it gets. When it’s hard just push right through it to the brighter side. Victory often comes from challenges.
27. Trials and tribulations are what give us the strength to rise above the present and find success that lies ahead of us.
28. Without darkness, the light is nothing special. Every pain and hardship is sweet after you overcome them all. Focus on the light and the darkness will fade!
29. Success is never a straight line and it will never be. It is full of bends and contours, you’ve got to adapt as you move. Part of achieving your goal is the hardships along the way.
30. When it gets difficult do not be discouraged. That might the bridge that will usher you to the success side.
31. Life is boring without challenges, challenges make life worth living. You don’t grow when things are easy, you grow when you face challenges. So next time you are facing some challenges, face them boldly and with a victory mindset.
32. Challenges are part of life, they are part of the formula for success. Overcoming them makes you a stronger person and a winner.
33. You’re an overcomer and more than a conqueror. You are strong and indomitable, stand strong. Life is tough and you are tougher.
34. No one knows what you have been through or what your eyes have seen, but I can reassure you, that whatever you have conquered, you become a master over it.
35. If you want it, go for it. Take a risk toward your dreams and quit your comfort zone. Great things never came from comfort zones.
36. Some failures in life are inevitable. It is impossible to live without failing at one time or the other. Don’t feel odd about your season, keep going on.
37. Stop worrying about what others think about you. It’s such a waste of your time and energy. Don’t be part of the prisoner of the thoughts of others.
38. Never be ashamed or feel bad about how you feel. You have the right to feel any emotion you want but always get involved in what makes you happy.
39. Sometimes life is about risking everything for your dream. Dream big, start small, take the risk and your progress will be evident.
40. How will you know if it’s the right or wrong decision if you never make it? Being wrong is allowed in the path of adventure. Don’t be afraid of making mistakes, it’s part of the process.
Helpful resource: encourage a friend through hope-filled words
Encouraging Quotes for Healing and Strength
It’s often stated that ‘rain helps us to appreciate the rainbow’. That’s correct about every life’s challenges. Being confronted with struggles, issues, and problems are inevitable. Irrespective of the planning involved to tackle any form of trial, setbacks have a way of showing up and causing painful events.
Everyone has the power within them to prevail over any circumstances that seem to confront them. It’s imperative to have it in the back of your mind that nothing lasts forever. To render assistance in the recovery phase, and help with soothing relief, we have here the most uplifting healing quotes, put together to make you feel comforted, and also serve as a catalyst to help you feel inspired.
11. It takes courage to get healed, and we all have the courage it requires, even if we have to dig a little deeper to locate it.
42. Isolation is a disadvantage in a time of weakness. Working in harmony with others makes together that real healing takes place faster.
43. Feelings are like the waves of the sea, we can’t stop them from coming our way but we can choose which ones to surf.
44. Healing requires us to stop struggling to try to fix everything and to enjoy every moment of our life more and endure it less. Life is meant to be enjoyed, not to be endured.
45. Healing takes time, it does not happen in a flash. Patience is needed for true healing to take place.
46. If you want to get healed, then do try to heal others. Your true healing is connected to others.
47. Part of the healing process is caring for people who also need the same care.
48. Healing is not about getting better, but about letting go of everything that isn’t needed in your life.
49. There are so many ways to get healed. Letting go of the past and every form of unforgiveness is part of the healing process.
50. The best healing therapy is to be loved by friends and loved ones. Love and friendship are therapeutic. and love.
51. Awareness that you need healing is the first step to being healed. You can only fix what’s wrong if you know it.
52. The practice of forgiveness and genuine love towards others is our most important contribution to the healing of the world and the sanity of humanity.
53. Everybody has losses, it’s unavoidable in life and you will not be first. Sharing your pain is not an ordeal.
54. Words of kindness and genuine care are more healing to the body than medications.
55. Love one another and help others to rise to the highest level in life, simply by pouring out love and giving them the needed assistance.
56. When we do things that are useful and helpful to help others, we fast-track their healing processes.
57. Gracious words are a honeycomb, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones, dare to give this to your friends in need.
58. The soul is healed when you are in the company of loved ones and acquaintances. Being loved by human beings is healing itself.
59. The place of true healing is a strong place, only giants can stride in. it takes the strong to get true healing.
60. Forgiveness is the building block of healing. He who forgives fast enjoys true healing.
Helpful resource: keep your faith strong in the Lord on difficult days
Words of Encouragement for Someone with Mental Issues
When someone you love is experiencing mental illness, you may be at loss for words. You may want to offer encouragement and unfeigned support, but you may not know how to best put your words together. Mental illness is not a good thing, anyone with this deficiency needs help.
Make do with these words of encouragement for someone with mental illness to help them heal fast.
61. I’m really sorry you’re going through this. I’m here for you and I will always be there to help you whenever there is a need.
62. If you have been struggling in silence, you don’t have to live that way. It’s not healthy for you. Come out of silence and let someone know what you are up to. In interacting with people, healing comes.
63. When you feel depressed, just remember that you are not alone. You are not the first to go through it, some have gone through such and yet come out stronger. The same can be your experience.
64. Your pains are highly understood, and I can relate well to your state. I have seen people go from the dark phase of their lives and come out into true light. The same can be your experience.
65. All it takes to get well is to start talking about the challenges you are faced with. If you can talk about it, it can be half done.
66. There is hope for you even if nothing around you proves otherwise. Do not the situations, you can dare anything.
67. You may cry and feel hurting above everything surrounding you. In the vein, everything can also heal.
68. Mental illness does not make you less human. Do not feel bad about the current situation, it will soon pass away.
69. Standing alone shows that you are strong. But standing together with others shows that you are stronger. Interdependence is not a weakness, it is an advantage.
70. Your current mental challenge does not define who you are, it is just part of your inevitable story and experience.
71. You are so important to this world that’s why you came. You cannot give up on yourself until you have fulfilled everything you have been born to do.
72. If only you know how many people love you and wait to show how much they do, you will be happy being alive. You are so unique among the rest despite the challenges you are faced with.
73. You may find yourself broken but you do not have to stay broken. To be broken is allowed but being pieced is an offense.
74. Your dark days are not meant to make you weak, they are meant to make you stronger. Relax, you are certain to come out stronger.
75. People around you may not under your journey, but allow it to be so, maybe they are not meant to.
76. You feel positive about everything all the time. It is allowed to feel sad or angry for a while. Do not dwell too long on negative feelings.
77. These negative feelings you currently have will pass and be all bygone
78. No matter how much evil you could see around, it’s important for you to know that light is very much more around than darkness.
79. No tough season is ordained to last, but tough people are meant to last longer. The strength to last longer often come from tough times.
80. You will never how courageous you are until you have seen what you battled with and overcome. You don’t become courageous by not having fears, you become courageous by facing and fighting fears.
Helpful resource: keep a victorious mindset
Words of Encouragement for Someone In Recovery
Words are indeed powerful. If you want to show your unwavering support to a friend or family member in recovery, the love, and encouragement expressed genuinely are priceless. These sets of words will help to fully communicate your support in a meaningful way.
Encouraging Words for a friend going through a tough time helps him/her to recover very fast from either depression, mental illness, or other forms of challenges. Make do with these words and help a friend recover faster than planned.
81. I love you and I want this to ring a loud bell in your heart. Have it at heart that someone is loving on you from here.
82. You’re not alone in this, God is with you and so do I. stand strong, you are stronger than all you know.
83. Everyone needs help, no one can journey through life alone. I’m in your life to give you a helping hand in this challenging time.
84. How are you feeling today, dear great friend? I know for sure that you are getting better and stronger at the end of this phase.
85. Is there any way I could help you? Be assured that you will get any sort of help you will ever need from me without hesitation.
86. Let’s hang out today and see life together from another vantage. I know if you could see differently, you will recover very fast
87. I’m proud of you as my friend and forever will I be. What you are going through is too insignificant to separate us.
88. I Know what your struggles are, but I can assure you there is always hope for you. Be hopeful, everything will be fine.
89. It won’t be like this forever my dear friend, it won’t take so long that you will start laughing endlessly.
90. No matter what the situation is and disturbing it might be, remind yourself that you have what it takes to win and come out stronger.
91. You are stronger than you think, only challenges can make you see this. Appreciate and celebrate your challenges. They mean well to you.
92. When everything seems like an uphill struggle, just think of the view from the top you are ahead. Climbing may be boring but seeing from the mountain top is interesting.
93. You’re worth being alive, you cannot afford to excuse the world now. Stay around, stick with your dreams, and everything will all be fine.
94. One small step you take today brings you far closer to your great dreams. Keep striving no matter the little strength that is left.
95. Believe you can win and you sure will as you stay committed to the dreams that keep your heart beating.
96. Great accomplishments are made up of small deeds and steps taken each day. Nothing happens overnight, everything valuable takes time.
97. When you can no longer hold on, that’s when you should keep at it. In forging ahead, much courage builds up.
98. Don’t let the past experience steal your present joy and future possibilities. Let the past be past and face your future.
99. Even amid the devastation and confusion, there is always something within us that points the way to freedom and success.
100. What happens to you is not the issue, with what happens to you is what is most important.
101. As you are going through challenges but I want you to be strong-hearted. I’m very sure that you will win all these fights in a matter of time.
Needful resource: moving on in spite of fear
Encouraging Words for a friend going through a tough time are the cheapest but the best gift you could ever to someone in such a season to help fight their battles correctly and come out a winner in the progression and the end of the tunnel. You can be responsible for somebody’s happiness through this simple act.
You can use these words as Words of Encouragement For Loved Ones, family, and friends.
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