102 Getting Through Tough Times Quotes to Stay Strong in Life
In life, we can be faced with different situations which might be challenging and overwhelming. We feel pressed on all sides and it seems we are left all alone. This could be tough, and getting through requires determination and a level of resilience. It must be noted that no challenges of life are meant to break us but rather to make us better in all that we do.
If you are currently going through a trying time, you will need some inspiring words or quotes to help you get through, whenever you find yourself in a difficult situation. That is why I have compiled my special list of getting through difficult times quotes in this article. If you will internalize these quotes, you will surely find inspiration to forge ahead in life.
However, while you seek to deal with it, never hesitate to ask for help. Understand that you are not alone, we all have something we are passing through, and we’ve all got a battle we are fighting. That means you should also be open to helping others too. As having a shoulder to lean on will help make the journey easier. This means that you can also share these getting through tough times quotes with someone around you too.
Tough times, if handled correctly will unleash the giant in you and refine you into the best version of yourself. I hope you or whoever you shared this with gets inspired and encouraged by this list of getting through difficult times quotes to help you come out better and stronger out of that situation.
- Getting Through Tough Times Quotes
- Alone In Tough Times Quotes
- Stay Positive Short Quotes
- Quotes To Stay Positive And Strong
- Spiritual Inspirational Quotes For Difficult Times
- Opportunity In Difficult Times Quotes
- Hard Times Will Pass Quotes
- When Times Get Hard Quotes
- Words For Hard Times Quotes
- Appreciate The Hard Times Quotes
- Hard Times Sayings And Quotes
Getting Through Tough Times Quotes
1. Whatever you face at the moment, make the best out of it. Never make the mistake of wishing away your days… Enjoy the moment and hope for the better.
2. In life, you do not have to wait for tough times to pass. You must learn to outgrow the difficulty. As you overcome a particular challenge, you are made stronger to face a higher one.
3. Tough times make you. Although painful, if well-invested can bring out the best version of you. Situations are not meant to break you but to make you.
4. Even if it seems hard and unbearable, you have been made with the resilience to get going, just try a little more and you will emerge a winner.
5. You’ve got the choice to either motivate yourself or throw a pity party for your challenges. Whatever it is to be done…the choice is all yours.
6. What should make you keep holding on is what made you start in the first place. No matter how long tough times are prolonged, they will never last.
7. Stay hopeful, and be inspired, this is just for a moment. Smile, because everything will soon be alright. If you can maintain your focus amidst the challenges, you will sail through without hurting.
8. Instead of waiting for the time to pass, enjoy the moment as it passes. Trust me, there is always something to learn or enjoy in every situation. The season may be painful but do not miss the lesson of the season.
9. Believe the storm will soon be over. Never allow yourself to be beaten down. Get up, dust yourself, and hope for the brighter future you desire.
10. Everything might look gloomy and dark. Just believe, the sun shall soon shine, and you’ll see the light of the day.
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Alone In Tough Times Quotes
While facing tough times, you might feel alone and forgotten, however, understand that you are not alone. You have got more than enough within you if only you could be calm and pay attention. You must learn to encourage yourself to keep going. Interestingly, getting through tough times quotes can help you stay focused and keep you inspired.
The next few lines feature some inspiring alone-in-tough-time quotes to help you stay motivated and encouraged to keep going during tough times. Read on to explore.
11. Sometimes you might feel all alone and forgotten. Sometimes you might feel overwhelmed and discouraged. I wish you could just find the strength to keep pushing, because just a few steps away, lies your victory and joy.
12. If you feel alone in tough times, the option is not to give up, but to keep pushing. It might just be a sign that you are the only one who is strong enough to push that far.
13. Never give up on your dream, it might feel tough at a point, strengthen yourself and keep pushing. If you do not give up on your dreams, your dreams will not disappoint you.
14. Whenever you feel alone… Look into the mirror, take a look at yourself, and remind yourself of how enough you are. You are more than who you think you are!
15. The time might be tough, but you must be tougher. Remember, you have not come this far to fail but rather to succeed.
16. Never see yourself as a failure, you have come too far to give up on your dream. Keep pushing, it’s just a matter of time.
17. You are strong, you are powerful, you are resilient, and not a loser. Always remember these whenever you feel like giving up. Only those who do not give up will end up a celebrity.
18. You might feel all alone, but never forget someone is watching… Either to see you win, or finally lose. Either way, giving up is not an option for you.
19. Just a little more push, just a little more patience, just a little more perseverance, and you’ll see yourself smile at last.
20. When you fall, and it seems no one is there to help you up, take a deep breath and get hold of yourself…that’s why you’ve got two hands. There’s always something within you to help yourself.
21. When you feel lonely in tough times, never should you feel you’re left alone. Give yourself a big hug, and you’ll hear a spirit within you whispering, …’ it is well ‘
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Stay Positive Short Quotes

22. Keep hope alive, and stay positive, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel. After a dark night comes the dawning of a new morning.
23. The time might be tough and hard. Never lose hope, with resilience and positivity, you will surely win. Winning is for those who never give up.
24. If only we could see how beautiful our end would be, we’ll cry less and push harder when we are faced with challenges.
25. Your attitude to life determines whether you lose or win. Never let the hard times bend you. You are made for more. Stay positive.
26. The road cannot always be smooth, when things go tough, remember why you started and glide through with hope and positivity.
27. You are made for greatness. Never let your present situation weigh you down. Stay positive, and keep hope alive.
28. Never stop working, and never stop believing. The future shall be bright. Just keep hope alive.
29. It might not be rosy at the start, and it might get tough in the process, stay positive. The end will surely be fine.
30. The beautiful future you look forward to will surely come to be. Just keep hope alive, and stay positive.
Quotes To Stay Positive And Strong

31. In every tough situation there will always be a way out. Keep working hard, and be positive. All will be fine.
32. Fill your heart with positive thoughts, never allow yourself to be discouraged. Remember, positive thoughts attract positive things.
33. Things might be tough and not go on as we planned, but must stay positive, and be brave enough to move on with life.
34. Stay strong and remain positive. Never give up on your dreams, surround yourself with kind and genuine people, and you will reach your destination in no time.
35. Sometimes pains come to us not to reveal our weaknesses but to just discover our strengths.
36. It all depends on how we see things. Strive to always see things through the lens of optimism, and you’ll see more reasons to be happy and appreciative.
37. Never underestimate the power of positivity. Stay strong and positive, it makes a very big difference in your life.
38. How amazing life could change very positively. If only you could be strong and see it that way.
39. Never allow yourself to be weighed down by the fears in your mind, be propelled by the dream in your heart. Stay strong and never stop being positive.
40. Keep being positive. Remain strong. Remember to always tell yourself positive things daily. You’ve got the power to keep your happiness alive.
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Spiritual Inspirational Quotes For Difficult Times
41. Do not be afraid, for the Lord your God is with you. He will never leave you nor forsake you.
42. The Lord will go before you and give you peace. He will always help you through difficult times. Just believe.
43. Though you walk through valleys of the shadows of death, the Lord will guide you. Do not be afraid, for the Lord will be with you.
44. Whenever you pass through a difficult situation, always remember that God loves you. He will always be with you, and not allow you to be harmed.
45. The time might be tough, but never lose hope. Remember, all things shall work together for your good. Keep believing.
46. Never give up, keep pushing for your dream. Remember you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.
47. When you pass through the fire, they shall not burn you. The Lord will be with you and give you victory. Only if you could believe it.
48. In the middle of that situation when it seems you are all alone. Never be afraid, always remember that God’s grace will be made sufficient for you.
49. Whether in tough times or painful situations, always remember that God has not brought you this far to fail you.
50. Do not be afraid. Put your trust in the Lord and believe in His mercy. In no time your joy shall be made full.
Opportunity In Difficult Times Quotes
51. You’ll never know what you’re missing out on until you wipe your tears, and see the world with clearer eyes.
52. Never let what you are facing deprived you of seeing the opportunities before your face. You can’t get the clearest view with teary eyes.
53. Be open to learning, and hope for the best, whatever you are facing, there is always another way to look at it.
54. What seems painful can turn out to be the best experience to launch us to a new level in life. If only could be patient enough to see the opportunity.
55. When you fall into a difficult situation, the next thing is not to start throwing a pity party, the next thing is to be sensitive and ask yourself, what’s in it for me to learn?
56. Though the time might be tough, don’t be discouraged. It might be an opportunity for you to grow and shed your old feathers.
57. The greatest mistake you could ever make is falling into a mistake and not seizing the opportunity to learn the lesson you are supposed to learn from it.
58. Whatever you are passing through is an opportunity to have a new experience, never come out without mastering the skill.
59. Let your heart rejoice when you are faced with difficult situations, it might just be an opportunity for you to step into your new glory.
60. As you go through life, learn to turn challenges to your advantage, and build an edifice out of the stones life throws at you. Never miss any opportunity.
Hard Times Will Pass Quotes
61. No matter how hard the situation is. Never let go of your faith. Believe, because hard times will pass.
62. You are stronger than you could ever imagine. No matter how hard the time is, it will surely pass.
63. Whatever the situation you are facing right now. Never forget that it is just for a while. After rain comes sunshine.
64. You are not facing difficulty, you are transitioning. Trust the process, enjoy the moment, and look forward to the best.
65. Don’t allow yourself to be defeated, stay strong and keep moving. There is no victory for anyone who gives up.
66. Just before you give up, think about the process the gold passes through. Think about how polished you would be if you could just pull through this difficult time.
67. I know times might be tough, but I am sure you are tougher. You are strong and capable of surmounting every difficult situation. Never give up.
68. The level you are at now is not your last but is designed to take you to the next level. Don’t give up at this level, you will soon be there.
69. Do not give up, it’s just a matter of time, you’ll realize that what seems like a challenge to you now would have been long forgotten. If only you could stay through the process.
70. The reason for the pains is not to break us but to stretch us to be tall enough so that we can easily lay hold of our goals when we reach for them.
When Times Get Hard Quotes
71. When times get hard, remember to never give up. It’s an indicator that you are closer to your dreams. Just keep pushing.
72. The best way to get out of hard times is to stay focused on the goal, never stop learning, and be positive.
73. When times get hard, stay strong because things will surely get better. Though it might be stormy now, know that it can’t rain forever.
74. When times get hard, keep going because on the other side of it is the beautiful picture you desired.
75. Things might be hard, but you can grow harder. Turn your scars into strength. Don’t allow the difficult times to mar you, but make you.
Words For Hard Times Quotes
76. Stand tall, head high, and keep your focus on your dream. When it gets tough on the journey let your desire inspire you to keep going.
77. The only limiting factor you have is the one you place over yourself. Believe you can do it, and you are half done.
78. When you are passing through a tough time. It’s your reaction to the condition, not necessarily the condition itself that determines your outcome.
79. Tough times are signs that there is a motion. You can decide to chart your course and move in the direction you desire. Or allow the wave of life to toss you about.
80. The best way to develop your strength is through those struggles you face. When time gets hard and you refuse to give up, your strength develops.
Appreciate The Hard Times Quotes
81. Hard times can be a platform to stretch you and bring out the best in you. If only you could make the best of it.
82. It is during the tough period in our lives that we see those who truly care about us and those who don’t really care.
83. We must appreciate those hard times in our lives. Hard times, though unpalatable can transform us into the most desirable version of ourselves.
84. Be thankful for everything, and appreciate all seasons of your life, including the hard times. There is always a lesson to be learned and a value to be added.
85. Going through hard times might be dreadful. But if we could only scale through and come out of it, we’ll see how glamorous the end is.
86. Hard times bring things your way, you can either see them as stumbling blocks or stepping stones. It all depends on you.
87. Hard time could be an avenue to develop your muscle. If only you should see it that way, and ask for broader shoulders and not cry for a lighter burden.
88. It is in those dark moments that you can really discover that brilliant light you’ve got within yourself.
89. Appreciate what you have at the moment, while you pursue that which you desire. That is the way to live a happy life.
90. It’s those hard times that make us develop resilience. Remember storms make trees develop deeper roots.
Hard Times Sayings And Quotes
91. Hard times can bring out the best in us. Sometimes those difficult situations are great opportunities brilliantly disguised.
92. Though we are faced with hard times and difficult situations, however, within us also lies the strength to also face and overcome the situation.
93. We can only see how strong we are when we are challenged with something tough. You don’t develop muscles by pampering, you develop muscles by stretching.
94. When you are faced with obstacles, instead of giving up and turning around, figure out how to climb and scale through the wall.
95. As a matter of fact, when you are faced with difficult situations, you can not change the condition, but you can change how you handle them.
96. If you have realized that you cannot change a hard time, why not focus on what you can create out of the situation?
97. The most attractive and desirable people we see around today once passed through what they saw as hard times.
98. The only way you can truly find out how tough you can be is when you don’t have any other choice but to be tough.
99. Hard times equip you with the strength and wisdom you need to be fit for the desired destination.
100. When faced with difficult situations, never see them as a disadvantage. But as an opportunity for you to grow deeper and spread wider.
101. You may not always win but you should consistently stay in the fight. Your hands may be weak but don’t let down the sword.
102. You may encounter serious-heartbreaking disappointment but don’t let that overwhelm your soul. Winning is only possible by Fighting, not by withdrawing. Once you withdraw, the hope of winning is gone forever. Keep fighting!
As stated earlier, thought times give us the opportunity to unleash the giant within. I hope you have found this article inspiring.
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