120+Thanking God for His Blessings Quotes and Messages for All His Goodness
Has the Lord been so good to you and do you want to appreciate His goodness over your life and loved ones? You are on the right page, welcome on board. I know you are grateful a soul and you will like your God to know how much you are grateful to Him in all areas of your life. Thanking God for His blessings quotes help you appreciate the Lord for all His goodness in your life.
It’s not doubtable that the Lord has been good to you and your family in one way or the other that you cannot deny. There’s nothing you can put together as a sacrifice that can give God good pleasure like thanking Him continually. Thanking God for His blessings over your life and loved ones makes heaven rejoice over you.
When you raise a voice of thanksgiving to the Lord, He rejoices over you and pours out more blessings upon you. If you express your gratitude for where you are, the Lord will lift you from there. Thanking the Lord for His blessings opens you to another blessing.
It’s to help you thank the Lord wholeheartedly that these quotes are written. Open your heart to the Lord and bless Him from the depth of your spirit and you’ll see Him do incredible wonders in your life.
- Thanking God for His Blessings Quotes
- Thanking God for His Blessings Prayer
- Speech of Gratitude To God
- Powerful Gratitude Prayer
- Grateful Prayer Thankful Heart
- How to Express Your Gratitude to God
- How to Give Thanks to God in Prayer
- Short Prayer for Thanking God
- Thank You, God, For the Good Result
- Speech of Gratitude and Appreciation
Thanking God for His Blessings Quotes
1. There is no one the Lord hasn’t done a good thing to, only ingratitude makes one think the Lord hasn’t done enough. Until you start recounting His goodness consciously, you will never know how good has the Lord been.
2. The Lord is truly good, it takes gratitude to know it. If you’re grateful, it will surprise you how good the Lord has been to you.
3. One of the things that will make you enjoy life is contentment. If you’re not contented in what you have, you’ll be desirous of another man’s belongings which will rob you of personal joy and gratitude to God.
4. Those who are grateful are always made great by God but those who are ingrate are reduced to nothing.
5. Gratitude makes great, ingratitude is a reduction agent. No matter how high you are, if you are ungrateful, you’ll be brought low.
6. The pathway to greatness is gratitude. If you want to rise high very fast, increase your voice of praise and thanksgiving.
7. Praises secure your portion before God in advance. When you give thanks, the Lord settles you and gives you a special privilege.
8. If you were down to nothing and you need lifting from the Lord, quit complaining and start giving thanks.
9. If you will lift the Lord continually, you may stay down for a while but it cannot be for long. The Lord is the lifter of those who lift His name.
10. Is there anyone who has cultivated the habit of thanksgiving, such a one cannot be deficient of the heavenly blessings. Blessings flow continually where the voice of thanksgiving is consistent.
11. When you don’t know what to say about a pressing situation, just give thanks to the Lord. If you can thank the Lord for it, you can go and sleep because the Lord will do incredible things for you concerning it.
12. A matter cannot be so big that it’ll be beyond divine care. If you trust the Lord and believe in His name, your endpoint shall be what the Lord can do about the matter.
13. Nobody looks up to the Lord concerning anything and ends up in shame. If you focus on the Lord in praise and prayers, you’ll never return with shame.
14. The Lord is pleased to bless anyone who is committed to the daily practicing of the scripture. His words say, in all things, give thanks. If you will be committed to doing this even when it’s not easy, the Lord will surprise you.
15. If you have been praying and your prayers are not getting through, try praise. You can never go wrong praising the Lord of Host.
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Thanking God for His Blessings Prayer

Praise is a type of prayer. Many don’t spend time praising the Lord because they do not know that whatever they are praising the Lord for, they’re also praying about it.
If you praise the Lord for a thing, you’ll secure God’s attention on that thing and God will not but grant your request about it. How to get God to move in any situation is to rejoice before him greatly.
16. Dear Lord God, I’m grateful for granting me the strength and grace to be alive in a good frame of mind and with unspeakable joy. To you alone, I give praise and honor. Thank you, God, for everything in my life I’m grateful.
17. Giving you thanks always is what I do daily because your word has charged me to be thankful in all situations. To you alone be magnified forevermore in Jesus’ name.
18. You’ve always been my standby at all times giving me strength and wisdom to do all my works with excellent spirit. It is to this cause I have come to give you praise forevermore.
19. Thank you Lord for the administration of strength and vitality to me. It’s your energy that has kept me going all the while. I praise you forevermore for all these.
20. Looking at my life, I marveled at your jealousy over my life. You’ve taken me through impossible valleys that an ordinary man cannot dare. Thank you, Lord, for saving my life up till this moment.
21. I couldn’t have made it this far if your hands have not helped me this much. You’ve been good to me in every way and every sense. I give you a multitude of praise and thanksgiving forevermore.
23. Thank you for the Lord’s flow of wisdom to deploy my daily routine. You lifted me and gave me a new song to sing. This is only what you can do for me. I’m grateful dear Lord.
24. I have pondered on your wonders in my life pensively, I don’t have any reason for complaining and murmuring about anything. You’re the Lord and your name is faithful.
25. You’ve been so dedicated to turning my disappointment into praise. You’re a master planner and your name is to be praised forevermore. Amen.
26. There are times I do not understand what you’re doing about what I am but the endpoint has proven to me that your ways are higher than mine ways and your thoughts are better than mine. I give you praise for the excellency of your wisdom.
27. The enemies thought He has prevailed over me until you have turned their plans to naught. I’m thankful to you eternal Father for standing by me all the way.
28. Thank you for the lifting of my head above my enemies who rise themselves against me. Your name is exalted for your wonderful works in my life.
29. I was down to nothing but your mercy has lifted me from the miry clay and set my feet upon the rock and established my going. I glorify your name forevermore.
30. Thank you for giving me a covering in my time of nakedness. You covered my shame and shield me with your love. You’ve anointed my head with oil above my equal. Your name is praised! Amen.
Speech of Gratitude To God
31. The Lord has been good to me and I cannot recount His goodness in my life. This is the marvelous thing the Lord has done to me. He has lifted my head more than I can imagine. His name is lifted forever.
32. What can I offer unto the Lord who has shown me kindness as sheer underserved gifts? To you alone, I bring my praise and worship.
33. Each time I wake up, it’s always in sound health and sound mind. I’m sound in my body jumping up and down. Your name is forever exalted above all gods.
34. If not for your grace and mercy, I wonder where I will be today. You’ve made my life an enviable one among my peers. You did all these for me, I’ll speak of your goodness forevermore.
35. I can’t pay you all for the benefits you showed me daily. It’s evident, your hand is strong and mighty upon me. Glory to your name in the highest.
36. Every second I have got to spend on this earth is nothing but the show of your mercy towards me. Your mercy is great and kind towards me.
37. I have enjoyed your wisdom to deal wisely in the affairs of life. Thank you holy God for your graciousness over my life and beloved ones.
38. If I have 10 thousand tongues to give you praise, they’ll not be enough altogether. I’m deeply grateful for everything that you mean to my life.
39. I want to especially give you thanks for all the things that have been happening in my life and over my loved ones. Thank you for the things you’ve made me go through.
40. The challenges have raised their heads but have never sunk me for one day. You’ve always given me incredible victory in the face of fiery trials. I praise forevermore dear Lord.
41. I see your hands in all that I do and I cannot but talk about it in the ears of your creatures. Thank you for making everything come in alignment with the will of God in my life.
42. Nothing can happen without your knowledge. Thank you for the things that you’ve allowed to surface in my life. I consider you wise and faithful above all other forces.
43. You’ve always turned my pains into blessings, and my plight into flight. What the enemies meant for evil, you turned it into good. This is your goodness in my life, I praise you.
44. You’ve always been smart and far ahead of my enemies. What they meant for evil, you’ve always converted them to my good. Divine master planner, I worship you.
45. Thank you for all your blessings in my life and family entirely. We consider this as the Lord’s doing and it’s marvelous in my sight. Thank you, God, for all your blessings to me and my family. Glory be to your name!
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Powerful Gratitude Prayer
46. If I’m not thankful unto the Lord, I’ll be ingrate. You’ve been up and doing for me from time immemorial. My mind is too small to recount all your goodness in my life. Your name is praised forevermore.
47. I’m the one with whom you’ve shown mercy and kindness that no one else can afford me. Your goodness in my life can never be taken for granted dear Lord.
48. Recounting your blessings and benevolence has made me humble before your mighty thrones. You’re a faithful God from the ages past. Thank you for being faithful to me in every way.
49. I stand in the awe of your wonderful works in my life and the lives of my loved ones. Your miracles are great, your wonders are too many. I don’t deserve all these, I’m grateful to you dear Lord.
50. I’m thankful for the banner of your love over me from the time I was born till this very day. Thank you for revolving your love around me. To you alone be praised! Amen.
51. One of your great characteristics is consistency and faithfulness. I have enjoyed your faithfulness all my life. I’m deeply thankful to you forever and ever. Amen.
52. Since I have taken you as my Father, I have never been disappointed any day for whatever reason. Your name is God who never disappoints. Thank you, gracious Lord.
53. There is no regret in knowing and following you. My life has only gotten better by the day. You’ve beautified my life with salvation. Your name is praised in the highest! Amen.
54. Your presence in my life is the only difference. I’m as ordinary as anyone else but your presence has made everything beautiful for me. I’m grateful to you forevermore.
55. Thank you for strengthening my feeble knees and establishing my going dear Lord. I’m in the awe of you dear gracious Lord. Thank you so much!
56. My life has been surrounded by great and beautiful people. This is nothing but a gift of mercy. I praise you Lord forevermore. Amen.
57. Knowing you as a Father and Friend give inexplicable joy. My life is at rest because you’ve given me inward assurance that no one can talk me out from. I’m thankful to you for all these.
58. The flood of gratitude has filled my heart because of the wonderful and gracious words you’ve shown me. Thank you so much dear Lord.
59. Thank you for shielding me from potential hazards that have attempted to claim my life. I rejoice in you my God and my savior for delivering from the hand of the wicked ones.
60. I also want to thank you for the quality relationship you’ve planted around my life. This has made the journey of my life so easy. I’m glad and excited about your faithfulness dear Lord.
Grateful Prayer Thankful Heart
61. This is the day that you’ve made, I’m here to dance and rejoice before you because of your wonders and marvelous works. Your name is lifted high forever in the highest.
62. My heart is filled with joy and gratitude for the Lord my God because He has made all things smooth and wonderful for me. Your name is praised forever and ever.
63. Sometimes, I’m left wondering what I did to deserve the benevolence of this height. This is just too much dear Lord, thank you for all your work in my life.
63. If I were to be considered for your blessings on merit, I wouldn’t have had a chance to stand. I’m grateful dear Lord for this election of grace and mercy.
64. Thank you for your gracious kindness in my life and the life of my loved one. Your name is exalted forever and ever.
65. The way you embarrass me with blessings is just too astounding. I’m not done exhausting one blessing yet you bless me with another one. Glory be to your name.
66. I was thinking of your investment of grace and mercy over my life, I couldn’t think of what I did to deserve this. You Lord must have done this and I’m grateful for it.
67. Dear Lord, you’re wise and mighty in counsel. The way the event around my life is unfolding has shown me that you are a great God. Glory be to you forevermore.
68. My heart is full of gratitude and words of praise because your works are marvelous and are without numbers. I bless you, Lord God.
69. My health has been top-notch over the years. This has given me confidence in you that I’ll live long and fulfill my days on earth. Thank you for the blessing of long life in advance.
70. My life and hope are in you. You’re the source of my joy and strength. Nothing in this world could have made me this joyful if not gift of kindness.
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How to Express Your Gratitude to God
71. With grateful I have come to say thank you Lord God for being a wonderful Father over the works of your hands. You made all things and you look after them. Glory to your name.
72. Your special kindness towards me has made me feel so important among several billions of people that you have made. I’m the works of your hands, I remain grateful to you Lord forever and ever.
73. Many times I miss out on your plans but you never relent on me in any way. Your kindness is steady and sure my dear Father. My lips shall keep talking about your kindness in my life.
74. Blessings upon blessings, victories upon victories that you’ve been showing me are great and so wonderful. Lord God, I’m grateful to you forevermore.
75. I’m currently short of words to give you thanksgiving. One billion words will be insufficient to talk of your goodness and mercy in my life. Your name is praised and exalted forevermore.
76. People wonder what the greatest secret of the blessings in my life will be. They don’t know that I have a very big God who has been there for me all the time.
77. You’ve done so much for me, I can’t fully express my gratitude to you, Lord. I’m indebted to give you praise continually until my time is done on the earth.
78. Thank you for giving me all things to enjoy. I’m deeply grateful to you for all you do in my life in the time past, the present, and the future. Glory be to your name in the highest.
79. Thank you for giving me new mercies every morning. Your name is praised and exalted dear God and Father forevermore.
80. It’s a privilege to be your vessel that can bow before you and worship you. Thank you for making me in your image and after your likeness. I praise you, dear Father.
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How to Give Thanks to God in Prayer
81. What is the right word rich enough to talk of the wonders of the Lord? I don’t think any word is rich enough to talk of His wonders. The Lord is truly good in all His ways.
82. I wish I could offer the Lord the best cow in the world to celebrate His goodness in my life but the Lord will not accept it. All I still can say is thank you Lord for all you do for me.
83. Your wonderful works are too many to be compensated in words. I seem clueless as to know what to do to appreciate your goodness in my life. Your name is praised forevermore.
84. More than I bargain for is what you’ve done to me and for me, you’ve exceeded my imagination than I can think. Your name is so sure and strong.
85. Your mercy has always been bearing me up each time I fall. Thank you for your grace in my life. Thank you so much dear Lord God.
86. There is no other god that can be likened unto you in any way. These good things you Lord have been doing in my life are great and boundless. Glory be to your name.
87. I certainly have desires for the future which have kept me running but I’m grateful for where I am in this journey of life. Many are quite behind!
88. You’ve not only given me health but also great wealth. Thank you for the gift of sound health I enjoy daily. May your goodness never cease in my life.
89. Thank you for protecting my interest, you’re my lot and portion. With you, I know my life is safe and my future is secured. Glory be to your name.
90. You’re everything in this world to me. You mean more than this world to me, dear Father. Oh Lord, I am thankful to you from this time till forever. Amen.
Short Prayer for Thanking God
91. Lord I’m thankful for all that you are to me and will yet be. You’re worthy Lord to be praised and adored. Glory to your name.
92. Your goodness in my life has increased my boldness towards life. Thank you for your breathtaking goodness.
93. Thank you for assuring me that I’m not alone. You’re always with me in every place I go. Glory to you in the highest heaven.
94. You’re the greatest blessing I could ever have. You’ve all things working for me dear Father. You’re exalted forevermore.
95. Your praise will be on my lips at all times, I will not take your goodness unto me for granted.
96. For the blessed family that you’ve given me, I thank you, Lord. You’re great and worthy to be praised in the highest. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with a wonderful family.
97. For my wife and kid that you’ve given me, you’re worthy to be praised, Lord. Blessed be your name, dear redeemer.
98. Your blessings in my life have been pressed down, running over, and shaken together. You’re such a gracious Lord.
99. The depth of your goodness has left me with teary eyes. I want to give you thanks but rather I see myself crying. The tears in my eyes give thanks to you.
100. Thank you for giving me access to your great blessings, you’re exalted forevermore. Thank you, Lord, for blessing me with wonderful friends all around me. Amen.
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Thank You, God, For the Good Result
101. I cannot attribute the wonderful results I have in my life to my hard work, it’s your hands who have blessed and lifted me above failures. I’m thankful to you for the blessings I receive from your hands.
102. You’ve given me a privilege of access dear Lord, I won’t take this for granted any day of my life.
103. For the successes and victories I have got from every side, I’m grateful to you Lord. Be praised, be exalted, and be lifted forevermore.
104. For the visible blessings and the Invisibles ones, I praise your majesty. Let your majesty be pronounced to the end of the earth. Amen.
105. I will offer the fruit of my lips to you a sacrifice of praises unto your holy temple. Receive my worship forevermore.
106. You alone are worthy of my worship, no one else can compete for your space in my life. You’re the Lord who doesn’t change. Blessed be your name.
107. You’ve given me the dews of heaven and the fatness of the earth. I praise your name forever dear Lord God.
108. For the running over results you’ve been giving me in the years past and even till now, I’m grateful to you Lord. Let your name be forever praised.
109. I’m thankful for the gift of abundant blessings flowing toward me every day. This is big deal for me and I’m grateful to you for it.
110. You’ve granted me a promotion that is beyond merit. How can I arrogate your wonderful works as a bye product of my efforts? Glory be to your name.
111. No God is as good as my God, no Father is as good as my Father. He’s the Father of the fatherless and the husband of the widows. Thank you for being my Father all the way.
112. Thank you for blessing the works of my hands and breathing your great blessings upon me. You’re truly a merciful God.
113. I appreciate you for the advancement in my life, this transcends my efforts. Thank you great God for all that you do.
114. You’ve promised to make all that I do prosperous and indeed great prosperity has been flowing over my life. Keep doing your wonderful work in my life.
115. I have returned with a heart of worship unto you to give you praise and endless worship that you deserve. Thank you, dear Lord.
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Speech of Gratitude and Appreciation
116. If I do not express my gratitude and appreciation to God who has been blessing me in every ramification, I will be an ingrate. Lord, I’m truly grateful.
117. You gave me hope and confidence in your word, I have been holding unto your word and indeed I have seen things featuring as planned. Thank you, dear Lord.
118. Even though I can’t see your blessings and I can’t feel them sometimes but yet your word gave me hope to keep holding on. I’m grateful for finding your word reliable.
119. I have so many expectations but I do not have to wait to see them feature before I give you thanks. You’re truly a worthy Lord.
120. My life is filled with blessings today because you’ve planted them there. Thank you for your seed of blessings in my life.
121. Thank you for surrounding my life with your love and your mercy. This is the expression of your goodness in my life. I’m grateful to you Lord.
122. Thank you, Lord, for giving me enviable blessings. My life remains a temple of praise unto your name. Glory be to you forevermore. Amen.
123. I go to bed every night and I’m awake in sound health and peace of mind. This is what only you can do. I’m grateful dear Lord.